蘇益仁 Ih-Jen Su


Su, Ih-Jen, MD, PhD


TEL:06-2083426  ext 65200



Educations / Professional Experience


M.D., College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
  1976-1978 Master Degree in Pathology , Institute of Pathology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
PhD in Pathology, Institute of Pathology, National Taiwan University


Current Position

Chair Professor, Department of Pathology, National Cheng Kung University

Distinguished Investigator, Division of Clinical Research, NHRI

Professional Experience

2004-2006 Consultant, Center for Disease Control, Department of Health


2003-2004 Director-General, Center for Disease Control, Taiwan ( SARS period )


2001-2003  Chief Scientist, Center for Disease Control, Department of Health
  2000-2002 Professor and Chairman, Department and Institute of Pathology, National Taiwan University Medical College and Hospital
  1998-2000 Director, Institute of Molecular Medicine and Institute of Clinical Medicine
  1995-1998 Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital and Medical School, Tainan, Taiwan


1991-1995 Professor, Department  and  Institute of Pathology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University


1992-1993 Visiting Scientist, CRC Lahoratory, Department of Cancer Studies,  University of Birmingham Medical School, Birmingham, England ( Professor Alan B. Rickinson )
  1988-1991 Associate  Professor,  Department  and  Institute of Pathology,  College  of  Medicine,  National  Taiwan University
  1987-1988 Visitiog Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Beth  Israel  Hospital  and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA


1985-1988 Instructor and Staff Pathologist, Department of Patho-logy, college of Medicine, National Taiwan University,Taipei, Taiwan


1981-1985 Staff Pathologist, Department of Parhology, Chang-Gung Memorial Hosptial, Taipei, Taiwan


1983 July-September Visiting Fellow, Surgical Pathology, Department of pathology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis ( Head: Professor Juan Rosai )


1982-1983 Fellow, Division of Hematopathology, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington Seattle, Washington, USA (Director: Professor Marshall E. Kadin)


1980-1981 Resident, Department of Medicine, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei


 Expertise /Research Interests


1.Biology and pathology of malignant lymphoma, particularly EBV-associated T cell lymphoma.

2.Pathogenesis and mechanism of HBV pre-S mutants and hepatocarcinogenesis.

3.Pathogenesis and therapy of virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome



Certificaltions, Licensures and Awards

2010 Award from Excutive Uan for the control of H1N1 influenza
2003 Outstanding Alumni Award, National Tainan First Senior High School, Tainan
First Rank Medical Service Award ( SARS control ), Department of Health
Outstanding & Distinguished Award for researches, National Science Council
Ho-Chi-Min Award
, Ho-Chi-Min City, Vietnam
1997 Best Paper Award ( Dr. Tu Tsong-Ming Award ), Journal of Formosa Medical Association
Lai-Ho award for medical service
1994 Gold Medal Award in Medical Publication, National News Agency (Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant Lymphoma)
1994 Outstanding Award in Cancer Research, Dr..Chien-Tien Hsu's Foundation;
1990, 1995, 1997, 1999— Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council
1990 National Ten Outstanding Young Person (TOYP) Award (Medical Research)
1989 Professor  Shu  Yeh's  Award  in  Pathology (Ph.D. Section)
1987 Awarded by NIH (USA) Fogarty International Center for Research Fellowship (1-Fo5-TW 03962)
1987 Phi Tau Phi (Phi Beta Kappa) Award and Membership, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
1986 Professor  Shu Yeh's Award in Pathology for  Out-standing Pathology Research
1985 Pathology Specialist Board (No.63)
1985 Awarded by The Formosan Physician Association for outstanding Medical Research
1981 Awarded a government  scholarship by the Ministry of Education for studying abroad (in Pathology)
1978 Professor  Shu Yeh's Award in Pathology (Graduate Student section)
1976 Nation's Higher Examination for Public Health Physician (No.79)
1976 Medical Licence in Taiwan (No.9720)
Formosan Medical Association; Chinese Society of Hematology ; Pathological Society, R.O.C.; Chinese Society of Immunology and Microbiology; Association of Oncology
Academic Activities, Service, and Membership in Scientific Societies
2007- Board member, Urbani Foundation, Taiwan
2001-2003 President, Taiwan Society of Pathology
Fellow Membership,  International Lymphoma Study Group ( 25 members, in total ) ( REAL/WHO classification for lymphoma )
2002-2006 Board Member, International Association of EBV and Associated Diseases
Editorial Board, Epstein-Barr Virus Report; International Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology; Japanese Journal of Hematopathology
2005- Associate Editor, Cancer Science
Board member, Hsern-Tien-Kung Cultureal and Educational Foundation 
Founding Board Member, Association of Formosa Physicians; The HOPE Journal