張玲 Christina Ling Chang

Christina Ling Chang

張玲教授(Christina Ling Chang)


電話:06-2353535 分機3615





學歷 1990-1992 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cancer Genetics & Biology, University of Michigan, USA
  1987-1990 Postdoctoral Researcher, Enzymology, Kansas State University, USA
  1983-1987 Ph.D. Biochemistry, Kansas State University, USA
  1978-1979 M. S. Dietetic Management, Kansas State University, USA
  1969-1973 B. S. Nutrition, Fu-Jen University, Taiwan



現職 國立成功大學醫學院分子醫學研究所專任教授


  2007-2010 Director, Institute of Molecular Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC


2003-2005 Research Associate Professor, Department of Medicine/Cancer Center, University of California, San Diego, USA


1997-2003 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine/Cancer Center, University of California, San Diego, USA


1992-1995 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Michigan, USA


1980-1984 Registered Dietitian, American Dietetic Association


1980-1981 Instructor, Department of Dietetic, Restaurant, and Institutional Management, Kansas State University, USA


1980 Assistant Dietitian, St. Mary Hospital, Manhattan, Kansas, USA


1975-1978 Manager, Food and Dormitory Services, Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, Taiwan


1973-1974 Instructor, Chung-Hwa Junior College of Medical Technology, Taiwan




腫瘤轉移 、DNA傷害和修護




 癌症發生與惡化 (cancer development and progression) 包含基因上的微衛星體不穩定 (microsatellite instability, MSI)。在癌症病人中,腫瘤移轉(tumor metastasis)是死亡的主要原因。 為了降低癌症發生率與死亡率,本實驗室以大腸癌(colorectal cancer)與兒童神經母細胞瘤(neuroblastoma)為癌症模型,從事下列兩大方向的研究。


1. 癌症預防 (cancer prevention): 探討發炎或化療如何導致大腸癌細胞與斑馬腸中的MSI,並篩選藥物以預防發炎或化療所導致的MSI。

2. 腫瘤轉移的分子機制: NDP kinase A/NM23-H1如何調控兒童神經母細胞瘤的轉移與神經的分化?




2009 國立成功大學醫學院教學成果(英文、醫學與生活)團體組第二名
2008 國立成功大學97年度教學優良教師
2007-present National Cheng Kung University Landmark Grant – Functional Genomic Approach for Discovery of Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets (DMMaTT) of Human Cancer
2007-present Taiwan National Health Research Institute – Cancer prevention: targeting genetic and epigenetic events
2005-present Taiwan National Science Council (NSC) Grant – Molecular mechanism of NDP kinase A in tumor metastasis
2000-2005 United States National Institute of Health (NIH) RO1 Grant – Molecular mechanism of NDP kinase A in tumor metastasis
2001-2005 United States NIH Supplemental Grant – Mammalian Cancer Models
2001 United States NIH Equipment supplemental grant
1999-2001 California Cancer Research Program Grant – Pilot study for molecular mechanism of NDP kinase A in tumor metastasis
1992-1995 Special Fellowship, Leukemia Society of America
1990-1991 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Developmental Biology Training Grant, University of Michigan, USA
1982-1983 nternational Fellowship, Omicron Nu Honor Society, USA
1970-1971 Honor Student Award, Fu-Jen University, Taiwan

研究成果 (Publications) -- Christina Ling Chang

代表性論文 Papers

  1. Tan CY and Chang CL. NDPK-A is not just a metastasis suppressor , be aware of its metastasis-promoting role in neuroblastoma. Lab Invest (2017 accepted)

  2. Wu CL, Huang LY and Chang CL. Linking arsenite- and cadmium-generated oxidative stress to microsatellite instability in vitro and in vivo. Free Radic Biol Med 112:12-23, 2017

  3. Chang CL. Can arsenic-generated oxidative stress induce microsatellite instability? Medical Geology Newsletter 9: 3-5, 2014.

  4. Li I-C, Chiu C-Y, Wu C-L, Chi J-Y, Jian S-R, Wang S-W, and Chang CL. (2014) A dual-fluorescent reporter system facilitates identification of thiol compounds that suppress oxidative frameshift mutations . Free Radic Biol Med 69: 86-95.

  5. Maity JP, Nath B, Kar S, Chen C-Y, Banerjee S, Jean J-S, Liu M-Y, Centeno JA, Bhattacharya P, Chang CL and Santra SC. (2012) Arsenic-induced health crisis in peri-urban Moyna and Ardebok villages, West Bengal, India: an exposure assessment study. Environ Geochem Health 34: 563-74.

  6. Lee JW, Liao P-C, Young K-C, Chang CL, Chen SSL, Chang TT, Lai M-D and Wang S-W. (2011) Identification of hnRNPH1, NF45, and C14orf166 as novel host interacting partners of the mature Hepatitis C virus core protein. J Proteome Res 10:4522-34.

  7. Chang HH, Lee H, Hu MK, Tsao PN, Juan JF, Huang MC, Shih YY, Wang BJ, Jeng YM, Chang CL, Huang SF, Tsay YG, Hsieh FJ, Lin KH, Hsu WM and Liao YF. Notch1 expression predicts an un-favorable prognosis and serves as a therapeutic target of patients with neuroblastoma. Clin Cancer Res 16:4411-4420, 2010.

  8. Chang CL(inventor). Dual-fluorescent MSI reporter plasmid and cell model harboring the MSI reporter plasmid. Republic of China Patent #I421497 (2014~2031).

  1. Boland CR, Gasche C, Marra G, Chang CL. (2005) Biology of cancer in ulcerative colitis and consequences for chemoprevention, Chap 28, pp 259-269. In Vucelic B, Colombel JF, Gasche C, Scholmerich J (Eds.) Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Translation from Basic Research to Clinical Practice. Springer.

  1. Henriksson KCE, Almgren MAE, Thurlow R, Varki NM, and Chang CL. (2004) A fluorescent orthotopic mouse model for reliable measurement and genetic modulation of human neuroblastoma metastasis. Clin. Exp. Metastasis 21: 563-570.

  2. Almgren MAE, Henriksson KCE, Fujimoto J, and Chang CL. (2004) Nucleoside diphosphate kinase A/NM23-H1 promotes metastasis of NB69-derived human neuroblastoma. Mol Cancer Res. 2: 387-394.

  3. Chang DK, Goel A, Ricciardiello L, Lee DH, Chang CL, Carethers JM, and Boland CR. (2003) Effect of H2O2 on cell cycle and survival in DNA mismatch repair-deficient and -proficient cell lines. Cancer Lett. 195: 243-251.

  4. Gasche C, Chang CL, Loki N, Goel A, Rhees J, Young DJ, Arnold CN, and Boland CR. (2003) Identification of frame-shift intermediate mutant cells.Christoph Gasche. 1001914-1919.

  5. Misek DE, Chang CL, Kuick R, Hinderer R, Giordano TJ, Beer DG, and Hanash SM. (2002) Transforming properties of a Q18E mutation of the microtubule regulator Op18. Cancer Cell2: 217-228.

  6. Chang CL, Marra G, Chauhan DP, Ha HT, Chang DK, Ricciardiello L, Randolph A, Carethers JM, and Boland CR. (2002) Oxidative stress inactivates the human DNA mismatch repair system. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 283:148-154.

  7. Chang CL, Hora N, Huberman N, Hinderer R, KuKuruga M, and Hanash SM. (2001) Op18 level and phosphorylation affect megakaryocyte differentiation of HEL cells. Proteomics. 1: 1415-1423.

  8. Gasche C*, Chang CL*, Rhees J, Goel A, and Boland CR. (2001) Oxidative stress increases frameshift mutations in human colorectal cancer cells. Cancer Res61: 7444-7448 (* Thses authors contributed equally).

  9. Chang DK, Ricciardiello L, Goel A, Chang CL, Boland CR. (2000) Steady-State Regulation of the Human DNA Mismatch Repair System. J Biol Chem. 275: 18424-18431.

  10. Chauhan DP, Yang Q, Carethers JM, Marra G, Chang CL, Chamberlain SM, and Boland CR. (2000) Antisense inhibition of hMLH1 is not sufficient for loss of DNA mismatch repair function in the HCT116+chromosome 3 cell line. Clin. Cancer Res6: 3827-3831.

  11. Chang CL, Strahler JR, Thoraval DH, Qian MG, Hinderer R, and Hanash SM. (1996) A nucleoside diphosphate kinase A (nm23-H1) serine120→glycine substitution in advanced stage neuroblastoma affects enzyme stability and alters protein-protein interaction. Oncogene. 12: 659-667.

  12. Marra G*, Chang CL*, Laghi LA, Chauhan DP, Young D, and Boland CR. (1996) Expression of human MutS homolog 2 (hMSH2) protein in resting and proliferating cells. Oncogene. 13: 2189-2196. (* These authors contributed equally)

  13. Chang CL, Zhu X, Thoraval DH, Ungar D, Rawwas J, Hora N, Strahler JR, Hanash SM, and Radany E. (1994) Nm23-H1 mutation in neuroblastoma. Nature. 370: 335-336.



       中華民國發明專利 (I421497): 雙螢光微衛星報導質體及含此微衛星不穩定報導質體之細胞模型

       (發明人張玲專利權期間: 01/01/2014 to 05/17/2031)






Molecular mechanism of NDP kinase A in tumor metastasis (PI: 2007-2010)
Molecular mechanism of NDP kinase A in tumor metastasis (PI: 2006-2007)

Molecular mechanism of NDP kinase A in tumor metastasis (PI: 2005-2006)


國衛院  Cancer prevention: targeting genetic and epigenetic events (PI: 2007-2009)

衛生署  成大醫院建置癌症卓越研究體系計畫 (Co-PI: 2010-2013)


Cancer prevention: targeting genetic and epigenetic events


Functional Genomic Approach for Discovery of Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets (DMMaTT) of Human Cancer