王憲威 publication


研究成果 ( Publications)

A. 專利 Patent:

  1. TWI723675B, PCT/IB2019/060680, METHODS AND KITS FOR DETECTING DENGUE VIRUS, 2019 Dec. Pan, Yong-Li, Chang, Hsien-Chang, Wang, Shainn-Wei, Perng, Guey-Chuen, Yen, Ko-Lun, Lau, Chun-Yee. (用於檢測登革熱病毒的方法以及套組, 2019. 潘永歷、張憲彰、王憲威、彭貴春、顏克倫、劉俊義)
  2. PCT/IB2021/059233 (申請中), METHODS AND KITS FOR DETECTING SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS 2, 2021, Wang, Shainn-Wei, Hong, Xiu-Ling, Lau, Chun-Yee, Hou, Huan-Tzu, Tsai Chun-Hsien, Liao, Yu-Hsuan, Tsai, I-Hsuan (用於檢測嚴重急性呼吸道症候群冠狀病毒2型的方法以及套組, 2021 Oct. 王憲威、洪袖凌、劉俊義、侯奐慈、蔡群賢、廖育萱、蔡宜璇)
  3. US patent # 7122180. Novel AIDS vaccine 2006. Oct. Anna Aldovini and Shainn-Wei Wang (新穎愛茲病疫苗)

B. 期刊論文 Refereed Papers:

  1. Chen KW, Chen TY, Wang ST, Hou TY, Wang SW, Young KC. Establishment of quantitative and recovery method for detection of dengue virus in wastewater with noncognate spike control. J Virol Methods 2023 Apr;314:114687
  2. Wang LC, Yao HW,Chang CF, Wang SW,Wang SM, Chen SH. Suppression of interleukin-6 increases enterovirus A71 lethality in mice. J Biomed Sci. 2017 Dec 12;24(1):94. doi: 10.1186/s12929-017-0401-5.
  3. Lee NY, Wang JC, Lin YC, Wu CJ, Li CW, Li MC, Wang SW,  Tseng FC, Ko WC (2016 Jun.) Characterization of the Near Full- Length Genome of a Novel HIV-1 CRF01_AE/CRF07_BC Recombinant in an Injection Drug User from Southern Taiwan AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses32(6):588-94, Impact factor 1.949, Ranking 56/83 (68%)
  4. Lai MC, Sun HS, Wang SW,  Tarn WY (2016 Jan.) DDX3 functions in antiviral innate immunity through translational control of PACT FEBS J.283(1):88-101, Impact factor 4.001, Ranking 77/290 (26.6%)
  5. Lee NY, Wang JC, Lin YC, Wu CJ, Wang SW,  Li CW, Li MC, Tseng FC, Ko WC. Characterization of the Near Full-Length Genome of a Novel HIV-1 CRF01_AE/CRF07_BC Recombinant in an Injection Drug User from Southern Taiwan. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2016 Feb 19. [Epub ahead of print], Impact factor 2.325, Ranking 48/78.
  6. Lai MC, Sun HS, Wang SW,  Tarn WY (2015 Oct. 31) DDX3 functions in antiviral innate immunity through translational control of PACT "FEBS J. ISSN: 1742-464X" 283(1):88-101, Impact factor 4.237, Ranking 72/289 (24.9%)
  7. Lai MC, Sun HS, Wang SW,  Tarn WY. DDX3 functions in antiviral innate immunity through translational control of PACT. FEBS J. 2015 Oct 10. doi: 10.1111/febs.13553. [Epub ahead of print]. SCI: Impact factor 4.001, Ranking 77/290.
  8. Leu CH, Yang ML, Chung NH, Huang YJ, Su YC, Chen YC, Lin CC, Shieh GS, Chang MY, Wang SW,  Chang Y, Chao J, Chao L, Wu CL, Shiau AL. Kallistatin Ameliorates Influenza Virus Pathogenesis by Inhibition of Kallikrein-Related Peptidase 1-Mediated Cleavage of Viral Hemagglutinin. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Sep;59(9):5619-30. SCI: Impact factor 4.476, Ranking 27/255.
  9. Li IC, Chiu CY, Wu CL, Chi JY, Jian SR, Wang SW,  Chang CL. A dual-fluorescent reporter facilitates identification of thiol compounds that suppress microsatellite instability induced by oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med. 2014 Apr;69:86-95. SCI: Impact factor 5.736, Ranking 16/128.
  10. Manrique M, Kozlowski PA, Cobo-Molinos A, Wang SW,  Wilson RL, Martinez-Viedma Mdel P, Montefiori DC, Carville A, Aldovini A.   Resistance to infection, early and persistent suppression of simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac251 viremia, and significant reduction of tissue viral burden after mucosal vaccination in female rhesus macaques. J Virol. 2014 Jan;88(1):212-24. SCI: Impact factor 4.439, Ranking 7/33.
  11. Lee JC, Tseng CK, Young KC, Sun HY, Wang SW,  Chen WC, Lin CK, Wu YH. Andrographolide exerts anti-hepatitis C virus activity by up-regulating haeme oxygenase-1 via the p38 MAPK/Nrf2 pathway in human hepatoma cells. Br J Pharmacol. 2014 Jan;171(1):237-52. SCI: Impact factor 4.842, Ranking 24/255.
  12. Lai MC, Wang SW,  Cheng L, Tarn WY, Tsai SJ, Sun HS. Human DDX3 interacts with the HIV-1 Tat protein to facilitate viral mRNA translation. PLoS One, 2013 Jul; 8(7):e68665. SCI: Impact factor 3.534, Ranking 9/57.
  13. Shen FH, Wang SW,  Yeh TM, Tung YY, Hsu SM, Chen SH. Absence of CXCL10 aggravates Herpes Stromal Keratitis with reduced primary neutrophil influx in mice. Journal of Virology. 2013 Aug, 87(15):8502-10. SCI: Impact factor 4.439, Ranking 7/33.
  14. Manrique M, Kozlowski PA, Cobo-Molinos A, Wang SW,  Wilson RL, Montefiori DC, Carville A, Aldovini A. Immunogenecity of a vaccine regimen composed of simian immunodeficiency virus DNA, rMVA, and viral particles administered to female rhesus macaques via four different mucosal routes. Journal of Virology, 2013 Apr, 87(8):4738-50. SCI: Impact factor 4.439, Ranking 7/33.
  15. Wang JH, Cheng L, Wang CH, Ling W, Wang SW*, and Lee GB*. An integrated chip capable of performing sample pretreatment and nucleic acid amplification for HIV-1 detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013 Mar, 41: 484-91. SCI: Impact factor 6.409, Ranking 1/28. Co-correspondence.
  16. Wang CY, Wang SW,  Huang WC, Kim KS, Chang NS, Wang YH, Wu MH, Teng CH. Prc Contributes to Escherichia coli Evasion of Classical Complement-Mediated Serum Killing. Infection and Immunity, 2012 Oct;80(10):3399-409. Epub 2012 Jul 23. SCI: Impact factor 3.731, Ranking 23/78.
  17. Tseng YT, Wang SW,  Kim KS, Wang YH, Yao Y, Chen CC, Chiang CW, Hsieh PC, Teng CH. NlpI Facilitates Deposition of C4bp on Escherichia coli by Blocking Classical Complement-Mediated Killing, Which Results in High-Level Bacteremia. Infection and Immunity, 2012 Oct;80(10):3669-78. Epub 2012 Jul 16. SCI: Impact factor 3.731, Ranking 23/78.
  18. Sun HY, Lin CC, Lee JC, Wang SW,  Cheng PN, Wu IC, Chang TT, Lai MD, Shieh DB, Young KC. Very low-density lipoprotein/lipo-viro particles reverse lipoprotein lipase-mediated inhibition of hepatitis C virus infection via apolipoprotein C-III. Gut, 2012 Jun 11, Epub ahead of print. SCI: Impact factor 14.660, Ranking 2/76 .
  19. Yeh MT, Wang SW,  Yu CK, Lin KH, Lei HY, Su IJ, Wang JR. A single nucleotide in stem loop II of 5'-untranslated region contributes to virulence of enterovirus 71 in mice. PLoS one, 2011; 6(11):e27082. Epub2011Nov.1. SCI: Impact factor 3.534, Ranking 9/57.
  20. Sun HY, Ou NY, Wang SW,  Liu WC, Cheng TF, Shr SJ, Sun KT, Chang TT, Young KC. Novel Nucleotide and Amino Acid Covariation between the 5'UTR and the NS2/NS3 proteins of Hepatitis C Virus: Bioinformatic and Functional Analyses. PloS One, 2011; 6(9):e25530. Epub 2011 Sep 28. SCI: Impact factor 3.534, Ranking 9/57.
  21. Lee JW, Liao PC, Young KC, Chen SL, Chang CL, Cheng TS, Lai MD, Wang SW* . Identification of hnRNPH1, NF45, and C14orf166 as novel host interacting partners of the mature hepatitis C virus core protein. Journal of Proteome Research, 2011 Oct 7; 10(10):4522-34. Epub 2011 Aug.24. SCI: Impact factor 4.245, Ranking 14/79. Correspondence.
  22. Yang ML, Chen YH, Wang SW,  Huang YJ, Leu CH, Yeh NC, Chu CY, Lin CC, Shieh GS, Chen YL, Wang JR, Wang CH, Wu CL, Shiau AL. Galectin-1 binds to influenza virus and ameliorates influenza pathogenesis. Journal of Virology, 2011 Oct, 85(19):10010-20. Epub 2011 Jul 27. SCI: Impact factor 4.439, Ranking 7/33, Equal contribution to first authors (60%).
  23. Manrique M, Kozlowski PA, Cobo-Molinos A, Wang SW, Wilson RL, Montefiori DC, Mansfield KG, Carville A, and Aldovini A. Long-Term Control of Simian Immunodeficiency Virusmac251 Viremia to Undetectable Levels in Half of Infected Female Rhesus Macaques Nasally Vaccinated with Simian Immunodeficiency Virus DNA/Recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara. Journal of Immunology, 2011, 186:3581-3593. SCI: Impact factor 5.362, Ranking 24/144.
  24. Ko NY, Lee HC, Hung CC, Tseng FC, Chang JL, Lee NY, Chang CM, Lee MP, Chen BJ, Wang SW* , Ko WC. Trends of HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections, Estimated HIV Incidence, and Risky Sexual Behaviors Among Gay Bathhouse Attendees in Taiwan: 2004-2008. AIDS Behavior, 2011 Feb; 15(2):292-7, Correspondence, SCI: Impact factor 3.728, Ranking 6/147.
  25. Manrique M, Kozlowski PA, Wang SW, Wilson RL, Micewicz E, Montefiori DC, Mansfield KG, Carville A, and Aldovini A.Nasal DNA-MVA SIV vaccination provides more significant protection from progression to AIDS than a similar intramuscular vaccination. Mucosal Immunology, Nature publishing group, Epub. Sep. 9, 2009. SCI: Impact factor 7.537, Ranking 12/144.
  26. Lin YW, Wang SW, Tung YY, Chen SH. Enterovirus 71 Infection of Human Dendritic Cells, Exp Biol Med (Maywood), 2009Oct ; 234(10): 1166-73.SCI: Impact factor 2.226, Ranking 61/122.
  27. Su, HW, Wang SW, Ghishan FK, Kiela PR, and Tang MJ. Cell confluency-induce Stat3 activation regulates NHE3 expression by recruiting Sp1 and Sp3 to the proximal NHE3 promoter region during epithelial dome formation. American Journal of Physiology- Cell Physiology, 2009 Jan; 296(1):C13-24. Epub 2008 Oct 22. SCI: Impact factor 3.674, Ranking 17/81.
  28. Wang HC, Huang SW, Wang SW, Tsai HP, Kiang D, Wang SM, Liu CC, Su IJ, and Wang JR. Co-Circulating Genetically Divergent A2 Human Metapneumovirus Strains Among Children in Southern Taiwan. Archives of Virology, 2008, 153 (12):2207-13. Epub 2008 Nov.11. SCI: Impact factor 2.282, Ranking 20/32.
  29. Manrique M, Micewicz E, Kozlowski PA, Wang SW, Aurora D, Mazzara G, Montefion D, Carville A. Mansfield KG, Aldovini A. DNA-MVA vaccine protection after X4 SHIV challenge in macaques correlates with day-of challenge antiviral cell-mediated immunity levels and post-challenge preservation of CD4+ T cell memory. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2008 Mar;24(3):505-19. SCI: Impact factor 2.457, Ranking 84/144.
  30. Su HW., Yeh HH, Wang SW,  Shen MR, Chen TL, Kiela PR, Ghishan FK, Tang MJ. Cell confluence-induced activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) triggers epithelial dome formation via augmentation of sodium hydrogen exchanger-3 (NHE3) expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2007, Mar 30;282(13):9883-94. Epub 2007.SCI:Impact factor 4.600, Ranking 65/291.
  31. Wang SW,  Bertley FMN, Kozlowski PA, Herrmann L, Manson K, Mazzara G, Piatak M, Johnson RP, Carville A, Mansfield K, Aldovini A. A SHIV DNA/MVA rectal vaccination in Macaques provides systemic and mucosal virus specific responses and protection against AIDS. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2004, Aug;20(8):846-59. SCI: Impact factor 2.457, Ranking 84/144.
  32. Bertley, F., P. A. Kozlowski, S. W. Wang, J. Chappelle, O. Sonuyi, D. Montefiori, J. D. Lifson, A. Carville, K. Mansfield, and A. Aldovini. Control of SHIV viremia and disease progression after nasal DNA-MVA vaccination. Journal of Immunology, 2004, 172, 3745-3757. SCI, Impact factor 5.362, Ranking 24/144.
  33. Wang SW,  Noonan K., Aldovini A. RNA-NC interaction is required for virion structural stability after protease-mediated Gag cleavage but not for virus assembly. Journal of Virology, 2004, 78, 716-723. SCI: Impact factor 4.648, Ranking 7/32.
  34. Patel J, Wang SW, Izmailova E, and Aldovini A. The Simian immunodeficiency virus 5’ untranslated leader sequence plays a role in viral protein translation and RNA packaging. Journal of Virology, 2003, 77, 6284-6292. SCI: Impact factor 4.648, Ranking 7/32.
  35. Wang SW. and Aldovini A. RNA incorporation is critical for retroviral particle integrity after cell membrane assembly of Gag complexes. Journal of Virology, 2002, 76, 11853-11865. SCI: Impact factor 4.648, Ranking 7/32.
  36. Wang SW, Kozlowski P, Schchmelz G, Manson K, Wyand MS, Glickman R, Montefiori D, Lifson JD, Johnson RP, Neutra MR, and Aldovini A. Effective induction of simian immunodeficiency virus-specific systemic and mucosal immune responses in primates by vaccination with proviral DNA producing intact but non-infectious virions. Journal of Virology, 2000, 74, 10514-10522. SCI: Impact factor 4.648, Ranking 7/32.
  37. Wang SW and McCarthy WJ. Cytolytic activity of Bacillus thuringiensis CryIC and CryIAc toxins to Spodoptera spp. midgut epithelial cells in vitro. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology,1997, 33, 315-323. SCI: Impact factor 1.000, Ranking 172/185.
  38. Wang SW and McCarthy WJ. Purification and characterization of Platynota idaeusalis baculovirus pathogenic to the tufted apple bud moth. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 1993, 62, 37-46. SCI: Impact factor 2.601, Ranking 16/152.

C. 受邀演講 Invited Presentations:

  1. 2021/04/15. Development of a rapid and highly sensitive nucleic acid detection RT-LAMP platform for surveillance of Dengue virus infection. The Institute of Basic Medical Science of NCKU, National Cheng Kung University. Tainan, Taiwan.
  2. 2017/12/08. Enterovirus A-71 VP4-interacting gC1qR protein, an intracellular modulator for viral uncoating and immune activation. The Institute of Basic Medical Science of NCKU, National Cheng Kung University. Tainan, Taiwan
  3. 2017/10/25. RNA virus-specific detection and cellular interaction for infection and disease targeting. Department Of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University/ Bangkok, Thailand
  4. 2017/10/26. RNA virus-specific detection and cellular interaction for infection and disease targeting. Department of Microbiology and OMICS center, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University/ Bangkok, Thailand.
  5. 2014/11/03 Invited Speaker. The role of Hepatitis C virus core protein/hnRNPH1 interaction in modulating HCV replication and microRNA regulation. Microbiology and Immunology Department, Infectious Disease Journal Club, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
  6. 2014/05/30 Invited Lecturer. Replication of human Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is critically modulated by an HCV core interacting cellular interactome. Application of Proteomics in Biomedical Application Workshop, Taiwan Proteomics Society, Tainan, Taiwan
  7. 2014/4/11 Invited Speaker. Replication of Human Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is Critically Modulated by an HCV Core Interacting Cellular Interactome. Invited Lectures for Institute of Clinical Medicine & Translational Medicine Ph.D. Program, National Yang- Ming University臨床醫學研究所暨轉譯醫學博士學位學程聯合學術演講. Taipei, Taiwan.
  8. 2012/10/05 Invited Speaker. "Identification of the cellular interactome of

EV71 VP1 structural protein" Microbiology and Immunology Department, Infectious Disease Journal Club, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

  1. 2012/06/01 Invited Lecturer. "Identification of hnRNPH1, NF45, and C14orf166 as novel host interacting partners of the mature hepatitis C virus core protein" Taiwan Proteomics Society Annual Conference: Disease Proteomics and Metabolomics. Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  2. 2010/09/14 Invited Speaker. “Proteomic profiling and functional characterization of HIV nucleocapsid (NC) interacting cellular proteins” Division of Clinical Research, National Health Research Institutes, Tainan, Taiwan.
  3. 2010/02/09, Invited Lecturer. “RNA helicases are critical players of IMP1 ribonuclear granules transiently involved in intracellular HIV Gag-RNA interaction to CD81 containing membrane domain” The 3rd RNA Symposium, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan TW.
  4. 2009/01/20 Invited Speaker. “Proteomic profiling and functional investigation of HIV nucleocapsid (NC) interacting cellular proteins participated in HIV genomic RNA trafficking and packaging”National Cheng Kung University, College of Medicine, Tainan TW.
  5. 2007/11/15 Invited Speaker. “Impacts on the immune dysfunction associated with HIV/HCV/HBV infections". The 12 th Southern Taiwan HIV Club Clinical Meeting, Tainan Taiwan
  6. 2007 Invited Speaker. “Current Progress in HIV Reasearch”. National Chiayi University, Dep. of microbiology and Immunology, Chiayi Taiwan.
  7. 2006 Invited Speaker. “Development of non-infectious recombinant HIV/HCV virus capable of delivering iRNA or cytokines as a therapeutic and preventive vaccine". The 11 th Southern Taiwan HIV Club Clinical Meeting, Tainan Taiwan.
  8. 2005 Invited Speaker. “Molecular mechanism of HIV assembly and HIV vaccine development” National Health Research Institute, Zhunan Town, Miaoli county, Taipei Taiwan.
  9. 2005 Invited Speaker. “A promising non-infectious particulate viral vaccine in preventing chronic infection of SIV in Rhesus macaque”, Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
  10. 2004 Invited Speaker. “Nucleocapsid-RNA interaction in HIV assembly and it’s application to the development of a novel AIDS vaccine”, Institute of BioAgricultural Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  11. 2004 Invited Speaker. “ HIV vaccine progress”, Microbiology and Immunology Department. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
  12. 2004 Invited Speaker. “From HCV and Dengue viral assembly to the development of a multivalent Retroviral-Flaviviral chimera vector vaccine”
  13. 2004 Invited Speaker. “Nucleocapsid-RNA interaction in HIV assembly and it’s application to the development of a novel AIDS vaccine”, Institute of BioAgricultural Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei Taiwan.
  14. 1997 Invited Speaker. “Biochemistry and cell Biology of the interaction of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1C toxin with Spodoptera exigua midgut epithelial cells in vitro”, NYU Medical School, Dep of Microbiology, New York, USA

D. 研討會論文  Conference papers: (Selected Abstracts and Posters)

  1. Syue-Ling Li, Yu-Chih Lo, Shainn-Wei Wang. Identification of DNA Aptamers Targeting NS5 Protein of Type 2 Dengue Viruses for Diagnostic and/or Therapeutic Purpose. Poster :CM059. 2018 The 33rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. National Defense Medical Center, Taipei TW
  2. Pei-Ling Tsai, Kuan-Wei Chen, Shiann-Wei Wang. The Cellular gC1qR Is Spatiotemporally Involved in Modulation of EV-A71 Uncoating Process and Immune Pathogenesis. Poster :CM060. 2018 The 33rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. National Defense Medical Center, Taipei TW
  3. Zi-Hao Chen, Kuan-wei Chen, Shang-Hsun Yang, Shainn-Wei Wang. The Human C1q Compliment Receptor gC1qR Has A Role in Protecting EV-A71 Infection And Pathogenesis in A Transgenic Mouse Model. Poster :CM061. 2018 The 33rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei TW
  4. Kuan-Wei Chen, En-Ju Lin, Yun-Yin Lien, Shainn-Wei Wang. The complement receptor gC1qR is an Enterovirus A71 VP4 interacting protein critical to modulating viral production. Abstract and Poster. The 5th International Symposium on Infectious Disease and Signal Transduction 2015 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation. 2015 Nov 14th-15th. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan TW.
  5. En-Ju Lin, Kuan-Wei Chen, Meng-Tsun Hsieh, Yun-Yin Lien, Shun-Hua Chen, Jen-Ren Wang, Shainn-Wei Wang. The complement receptor gC1qR interacts with Enterovirus71 VP4 and is required for EV71 multiplication. Abstract and Poster (Poster 30). 2014 The 4th International Symposium on Infectious Disease and Signal Transduction, and 2014 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation. Nov. 1st -2nd, 2014, 4th Lecture Hall, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University. Tainan TW.
  6. Yung-Chan Chen, Lo-Chi Chang, Hsien-Chang Chang and Shainn-Wei Wang. Application of dielectrophoresis microfluidic chips in EV71 diagnosis and protein-protein interaction. Abstract and Poster. 2014 The 4th International Symposium on Infectious Disease and Signal Transduction, and 2014 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation. Nov. 1st-2nd, 2014, 4th Lecture Hall, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University. Tainan TW.
  7. Chia-Ling Tsai, Jun-Wei Lee, Huey-Shiuen Kuo, Shainn-Wei Wang. Investigating the Functional Interplay and Interaction Sites between Hepatitis C Virus Core Protein and Cellular Protein CX for HCV Replication. Abstract and Poster. The 6th International Symposium on RNA Viruses-RNA Virus and RNA Biology. 2014 Oct 24-25, National Chang Gung University, Taoyuan TW.
  8. Cheng-Hen Yang, Jun-Wei Lee, Shainn-Wei Wang. The role of Hepatitis C virus core protein/hnRNPH1 interaction in modulating Hepatitis C virus replication and microRNA regulation. Abstract and Poster. The 6th International Symposium on RNA Viruses-RNA Virus and RNA Biology. 2014 Oct 24-25, National Chang Gung University, Taoyuan TW.
  9. Shu-Wei Kao, Cheng-Hen Yang, Jun-Wei Lee, Shainn-Wei Wang. The role of Hepatitis C virus core protein/hnRNPH1 interaction in modulating Hepatitis C virus replication and microRNA regulation. Abstract and Poster (Poster 10). 2014, The 4th International Symposium on Infectious Disease and Signal Transduction, and 2014 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation. Nov. 1st-2nd, 2014, 4th Lecture Hall, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University. Tainan TW.
  10. Chan Yung-Chan, Lo-Chi Chang, Hsien-Chang Chang, Shainn-Wei Wang. Application of dielectrophoresis microfluidic in EV-71 diagnosis and protein-protein interaction. Abstract and Poster. 2014, The 4th International Symposium on Infectious Disease and Signal Transduction, and 2014 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation. Nov. 1st -2nd, 2014, 4th Lecture Hall, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University. Tainan TW.
  11. En-Ju Lin, Kuan-Wei Chen, Meng-Tsun Hsieh, Yun-Yin Lien, Shun-Hua Chen, Jen-Ren Wang, Shainn-Wei Wang. The complement receptor gC1qR interacts with Enterovirus71 VP4 and is required for EV71 multiplication. Abstract and Poster (Poster 30). 2014 The 4th International Symposium on Infectious Disease and Signal Transduction, and 2014 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation. Nov. 1st -2nd, 2014, 4th Lecture Hall, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University. Tainan TW.
  12. Chia-Ling Tsai, Jun-Wei Lee, Huey-Shiuen Kuo, Shainn-Wei Wang. Investigating the Functional Interplay and Interaction Sites between Hepatitis C Virus Core Protein and Cellular Protein CX for HCV Replication. Abstract and Poster. The 6th International Symposium on RNA Viruses-RNA Virus and RNA Biology. 2014 Oct 24-25, National Chang Gung University, Taoyuan TW.
  13. Cheng-Hen Yang, Jun-Wei Lee, Shainn-Wei Wang. The role of Hepatitis C virus core protein/hnRNPH1 interaction in modulating Hepatitis C virus replication and microRNA regulation. Abstract and Poster. The 6th International Symposium on RNA Viruses- RNA Virus and RNA Biology. 2014 Oct 24-25, National Chang Gung University, Taoyuan TW.
  14. Shu-Wei Kao, Cheng-Hen Yang, Jun-Wei Lee, Shainn-Wei Wang. The role of Hepatitis C virus core protein/hnRNPH1 interaction in modulating Hepatitis C virus replication and microRNA regulation. Abstract and Poster. 2014 International Symposium on Infectious Disease and Signal Transduction, 2014 Nov. 1-2, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TW.
  15. Chia-Yin Ho. Yen-Ru Pan, Ai-Li Shiau, Jen-Ren Wang, Shainn-Wei Wang. Investigating the roles of Influenza A virus NEP protein and its functional interaction with the F1α/β subunits of mitochondria ATP synthase for viral egression. The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, 2013 March 23-24, Poster 119, Page 33. National Defense Medical Center. Taipei, Taiwan
  16. Yun-Yin Lien, Meng-Tsun hsieh, Shainn-Wei Wang. Identification and functional investigations of the interactome(s) of Enterovirus 71 (EV71) VP4 structural protein with cellular proteins. Abstract and Poster (P585). The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. 2013 Mar 24, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei TW.
  17. Tsai Yi-Ta, Yang Cheng-Han and Wang Shainn-Wei (2013/04) The role of HCVc in modulating virus infection related microRNA expression in Hepatitis C virus replicated cells. Abstracts and Poster (D-15). 6th Asia-Pacific Medical Laboratory Science forum 2013. (2013第六屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會) New Taipei City Government, New Taipei City, TW.
  18. Wen-Shing Wong and Shainn-Wei Wang (2011/03) Investigating the role of DDX50 during HIV nucleocapsid mediated RNA interaction or remodeling process. Abstracts and Poster (P64). The 26th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. National Defense Medical Center, Taipei TW
  19. Jun-Wei Lee, Pao-Chi Liao, Kung-Chia Young, Ming-Derg Lai, Shainn-Wei Wang (2011/02) An affinity based proteomic approach reveals three prominent HCV core-interacting proteins that show specific colocalization with core in the cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments. Abstracts and Poster (Poster258). The Nineteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. The Splendor, Kaohsiung TW.
  20. Jung-Hao Wang, Chih-Hung Wang, Wei-Shuo Ling, Lie Jheng, Shainn-Wei Wang and Gwo-Bin Lee (2011/01) An integrated microfluidic system for HIV detection,” IEEE MEMS 2012, Paris, Frence.
  21. Yen-Ru Pan, Yi-Ying Kuo, Hsuan-Chen Wang, Ming-Chao Lai, I-Jen Su, Jhen-Ren Wang, Ping Ling, Shainn-Wei Wang (2010/11) Influenza A Virus NEP Protein Antagonizes Type-I Interferon Response and Interacts With Mitochondria ATP Synthase to Promote Viral Egression. Abstracts and Oral presentation, 402-AB/38.
  22. Cheng Lie, Cho-Ying Chiang, Shainn-Wei Wang. RNA helicases are critical players of IMP1 ribonuclear granules transiently involved in intracellular HIV Fag-RNA interaction to CD81 containing membrane domain. 2010 International Symposium on RNA Viruses, 2010. Feb 8~9, 2010. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TW.
  23. Yen-Ru Pan, Yi-Ying Kuo, Hsuan-Chen Wangn, Ming-Chao Lai, I-Jen Su, Jhen-Ren Wang, Ping Ling, Shainn-Wei Wang (2010/03) Influenza A Virus NEP Protein Antagonizes Type-I Interferon Response and Interacts With Mitochondria ATP Synthase to Promote Viral Egression. Abstracts and Poster (P243). The 25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. National Defense Medical Center, Taipei TW.
  24. Cho-Ying Chiang, Lie Cheng, Yi-Ching Lin, Shainn-Wei Wang (2009/03) The Role of HIV Nucleocapsid (NC)-interacting IMP-1 Complex in vRNA Trafficking and Gag Synthesis. Abstracts and Poster (P109). The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. National Defense Medical Center, Taipei TW.
  25. Yi-Ying Kuo, Li-Chi Wang, Jhen-Ren Wang, Shainn-Wei Wang (2008/12) Influenza A virus NS1 Investigation of Influenza A virus NS1 protein on the role of circumventing cytokine responses and the associated functional cellular protein network leading to increased virulence. Abstract, Poster, and Oral presentation. National Taiwan University, College of Medicine.
  26. Shainn-Wei Wang, Nai-Ying Ko, His-Hsun Lin, Hsin-Chun Lee, Fan-Chen Tseng, Wen-Chien Ko (2008/08) Multiple viral infections in a cohort of HIV-infected patients in southern Taiwan (NHRI-CN- CL9603S), contributed paper and oral presentation, CDC, Taipei, Taiwan.
  27. Shainn-Wei Wang, Nai-Ying Ko, His-Hsun Lin, Hsin-Chun Lee, Fan-Chen Tseng, Wen-Chien Ko (2007/08) Surveillance of HIV drug resistance in Southern Taiwan. Contributed paper and oral presentation,(DOH96-DC-1303), CDC, Taipei, Taiwan.
  28. Hsiao-Wen Su., Hsuan-Heng Yeh, Shainn-Wei Wang, Men-Ru Shen, Tsu-Ling Chen, Pawel R. Kiela, Fayez K. Ghishan, Ming-Jer Tang (2007/5). Cell confluence-induced activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) triggers epithelial dome formation via augmentation of sodium hydrogen exchanger-3 (NHE3) expression. Abstract and poster (9883), ASBMB annual meeting, Washington DC, USA.
  29. Ewa Micewicz, Shainn-Wei Wang, Pamela A. Kozlowski, Deepti Aurora, Angela Carville, Keith Mansfield, and Anna Aldovini (2005/02). Virus-specific Mucosal and Systemic Immunity Induced by Nasal or Intramuscular DNA-MVA Vaccination and its Effect on SHIV Challenge. Abstract and Poster. 12th conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection, Session 88 Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA USA
  30. Wang, S.W. and Anna Aldovini (2003). RNA incorporation is necessary for retroviral particle stability after budding and release, not for virus Assembly. Abstract and Poster, pp148, 10th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection, Boston, MA.
  31. Bertley, F. M. N., S. W. Wang, Kozlowski, P., Carville, A., Mansfield, K. G., Johnson, R. P., Lifson, J., Aldovini, A. (2003) Effective induction of virus-specific immunity induced by rectal or nasal DNA-MVA vaccination and its effect on SHIV challenge. Abstract and Poster, pp217, 10th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection, Boston, MA.
  32. Wang, S. W. and Aldovini A. (2002). Charged residues of the retroviral NC protein play a role in particle stability after release, not in particle assembly, by mediating RNA incorporation. Poster, 2001, Annual Retreat, Children's Hospital, Boston, MA.
  33. Wang, S. W., Herrman, L., Kozlowski, Manson, K., P, Johnson, R. P., Neutra, M., and Aldovini, A. (2001). An intradermal and rectal vaccination regimen with proviral DNA and recombinant MVA permits development of SHIV specific responses in both the systemic and the mucosal immune compartments. Poster, 2001, Annual Retreat, Children's Hospital, Division of Infectious Disease, MA.
  34. Wang, S. W., Herrman, L., Kozlowski, Manson, K., P, Johnson, R. P., Neutra, M., and Aldovini, A. (2001). Mucosal SHIV DNA vaccination administered after intradermal priming boost virus-specific systemic responses but fails to prime virus specific IgA responses. Abstract and Poster, pp218, 2001 Keystone Symposia, AIDS Vaccines in the New Millennium, Keystone, CO.
  35. Wang, S. W., Manson, K, Kozlowski, P, Johnson, R. P., Lifson, J., Schmelz, G., Neutra, M., and Aldovini, A. (2000). Mucosal Immunity induced by proviral DNA Vaccination and its effect on SIV challenge. Abstract and Poster, 2000 7th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection, San Francisco, CA.
  36. Wang, S. W. and Aldovini, A. (2000). Mucosal SIV proviral DNA vaccination elicits strong SIV-specific humoral mucosal immune responses. Poster, 2000, Annual Retreat, Children's Hospital, Division of Infectious Disease, MA.
  37. Wang, S. W. and Aldovini, A. (1999). Non-infectious Proviral SIV DNA Vaccine and Mucosal Immunity. Poster, 1999 Annual Retreat, Children's Hospital, Division of Infectious Disease, MA.