張南山 publication



研究成果 ( Publications) 

 A.期刊論文 Refereed Papers (2000~)

  1. Cheng YY, Chou YT#, Lai FJ, Jan MS, Chang TH, Jou IM, Chen PS, Lo JY, Huang SS#, Chang NS, Liou YT, Hsu PC, Cheng HC, Lin YS+, Hsu LJ+. Wwox deficiency leads to neurodevelopmental and degenerative neuropathies and glycogen synthase kinase 3β-mediated epileptic seizure activity in mice. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2020;8(1):6. Published 2020 Jan 30. doi:10.1186/s40478-020-0883-3
  2. Huang SS#, Hsu LJ+, Chang NS (2020) Functional role of WW domain-containing proteins in tumor biology and diseases: insight into the role in ubiquitin-proteasome system. FASEB BioAdvances, in press.
  3. Chang NS., Lin R, Sze CI+, Aqeilan RI( 2019 Aug 2);. Editorial: WW Domain Proteins in Signaling, Cancer Growth, Neural Diseases, and Metabolic Disorders.Front Oncol. 9:719. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2019.00719.
  4. Chou PY#, Lin SR, Lee MH, Schultz L, Sze CI+, Chang NS.(2019 Jul 17) A p53/TIAF1/WWOX triad exerts cancer suppression but may cause brain protein aggregation due to p53/WWOX functional antagonism.Cell Commun Signal.;17(1):76. doi: 10.1186/s12964-019-0382-y.
  5. Chou PY#, Lai FJ, Chen YA, Sie YD, Kuo HL#, Su WP#, Wu CY, Liu TY#, Wen KY#, Hsu LJ+, Sze CI+, Chang NS. (2019 May 21) Strategies by which WWOX-deficient metastatic cancer cells utilize to survive via dodging, compromising, and causing damage to WWOX-positive normal microenvironment. Cell Death Discov. 5:97. doi: 10.1038/s41420-019-0176-4. eCollection 2019.
  6. Chen YA, Lu CY, Cheng TY, Pan SH, Chen HF, Chang NS. (2019 Feb 11) WW Domain-Containing Proteins YAP and TAZ in the Hippo Pathway as Key Regulators in Stemness Maintenance, Tissue Homeostasis, and Tumorigenesis.Front Oncol. 9:60. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2019.00060. eCollection 2019. Review.
  7. Wang WJ, Nagarajan G, Chen YA, Kuo HL, Su WP, Chang JY, Lu CY, Ho PC, Chang KT, Lin SR, Lee MH, Huang SS, Chang NS (2019) Identification of WWOX 7-21 and 7-11 peptides for activating spleen Hyal-2+ CD3- CD19- Z cells to kill melanoma and breast cancer cells in vivo. Cancers, 11(11). pii: E1818.Huang SS, Chang NS. Phosphorylation/de-phosphorylation in specific sites of tumor suppressor WWOX and control of distinct biological events.Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2018 Jan;243(2):137-147. doi: 10.1177/1535370217752350. Epub 2018 Jan 8. Review.
  8. Kuo HL, Ho PC, Huang SS, Chang NS.Chasing the signaling run by tri-molecular time-lapse FRET microscopy.Cell Death Discov. 2018 Mar 22;4:45. doi: 10.1038/s41420-018-0047-4. eCollection 2018.
  9. Hovhannisyan VA, Dong CY, Lai FJ, Chang NS, Chen SJ.Natural zeolite for adsorbing and release of functional materials.J Biomed Opt. 2018 Jun;23(9):1-7. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.23.9.091411.
  10. Liu CC, Ho PC, Lee IT, Chen YA, Chu CH, Teng CC, Wu SN, Sze CI, Chiang MF, Chang NS.WWOX Phosphorylation, Signaling, and Role in Neurodegeneration.Front Neurosci. 2018 Aug 15;12:563. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00563. eCollection 2018. Review.
  11. Sie YD, Chang CY, Lin CY, Chang NS, Campagnola PJ, Chen SJ.Fast and improved bioimaging via temporal focusing multiphoton excitation microscopy with binary digital-micromirror-device holography.J Biomed Opt. 2018 Nov;23(11):1-8. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.23.11.116502.
  12. Ming-Hui Lee, Yao-Hsiang Shihb, Sing-Ru Lina, Jean-Yun Changa, Yu-Hao Lina,Chun-I Szec, Yu-Min Kuob, Nan-Shan Chang (2017 June) Zfra restores memory deficits in Alzheimer’s disease triple-transgenic mice by blocking aggregation of TRAPPC6AD, SH3GLB2, tau, and amyloid b, and inflammatory NF-kB activation. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions. Volume 3, Issue 2:189-204, Impact factor 11.619 ,Ranking 1.5% (3/193)
  13. Hsu LJ, Hong Q, Chen ST, Kuo HL, Schultz L, Heath J, Lin SR, Lee MH, Li DZ, Li ZL, Cheng HC, Armand G, Chang NS. (2017 Mar 21) Hyaluronan activates Hyal-2/WWOX/Smad4 signaling and causes bubbling cell death when the signaling complex is overexpressed. Oncotarget 8(12):19137-19155, Impact factor 5.16 ,Ranking 20.2% (44/217)
  14. Hsu LJ, Chiang MF, Sze CI, Su WP, Yap YV, Lee IT, Kuo HL, Chang NS (2016) HYAL-2-WWOX-SMAD4 Signaling in Cell Death and Anticancer Response. Front Cell Dev Biol. 4(141):doi: 10.3389/fcell.2016.00141, Impact factor 3.19,
  15. Hsu LJ, Hong Q, Chen ST, Kuo HL, Schultz L, Heath J, Lin SR, Lee MH, Li DZ, Li ZL, Cheng HC, Armand G, Chang NS. (2016) Hyaluronan activates Hyal-2/WWOX/Smad4 signaling and causes bubbling cell death when the signaling complex is overexpressed. Oncotarget:doi: 10.18632/oncotarget, Impact factor 5.008, Ranking 36/213(16.9%)
  16. Su WP, Wang WJ, Sze CI, Chang NS.(2016) Zfra induction of memory anticancer response via a novel immune cell. Oncoimmunology 5(9):e1213935, Impact factor 7.644, Ranking 17/213(7.9%)
  17. Chang NS (2016 Jun.) Bubbling cell death: a hot air balloon released from the nucleus in the cold. Exp Biol Med (Maywood)241(12):1306-15, Impact factor 2.542, Ranking 57/124 (45.96%)
  18. Huang SS, Chang NS Specific phosphorylation of tumor suppressor WWOX drives terminal maturation of acute lymphoblastic leukemia MOLT-4 cell. J. Biol. Chem., Impact factor 4.258, Ranking 71/289 (24.56%)
  19. Chou PY, Chen YA, Su WP, Lee MH, Lin SR, Chang JY, Lu CY, Doherty J, Kovach A, Chou YT, Hsu LJ, Lin YS, Chang NSWWOX confers repellence via C-terminal SDRrepl or attraction via N-terminal WWgre in cell-to-cell recognition. J. Biol. Chem., Impact factor 4.258, Ranking 71/289 (24.56%)
  20. Huang SS, Su WP, Lin HP, Kuo HL, Wei HL, Chang NS. (2016 Jun. 23) Role of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WWOX in driving T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia maturation. J Biol Chem. pii: jbc.M116.716167, Impact factor 4.258, Ranking 71/289 (24.56%)
  21. Chang NS(張南山).(2015). In Memoriam: Shur-Tzu (Su) Chen, a pioneer in tumor suppressor WWOX for neuroscience. J Biomed Sci. 22:39. doi: 10.1186/s12929-015-0148-9. doi: 10.1186/s12929-015-0148-9.
  22. Huang YH, Chang NS(張南山), Tseng SH.(2015). Expression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WWOX in pterygium. Mol Vis.21.711-7
  23. SChang NS. (2015). Introduction to a thematic issue for WWOX. Professor Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 240(3):281-4
  24. In Memoriam: Shur-Tzu (Su) Chen, a pioneer in tumor suppressor WWOX for neuroscience. Professor Nan-Shan Chang
  25. A Thematic Issue for Tumor Suppressor WWOX in Cancer, Metabolism and Neural Diseases has been published in Experimental Biology and Medicine in March [240 (3), 2015]. Professor Nan-Shan Chang is the Editor-in-Chief.>
  26. Chang NS. (2015) Introduction to a Thematic Issue for WWOX. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 240(3):281-4:doi: 10.1177/1535370215574226.
  27. Da Sie Y, Li YC, Chang NS, Campagnola PJ, Chen SJ. (2015) Fabrication of three-dimensional multi-protein microstructures for cell migration and adhesion enhancement. Biomed Opt Express. 240(3):281-4:doi: 10.1177/1535370215574226.
  28. Chen SJ, Lin PW, Lin HP, Huang SS, Lai FJ, Sheu HM, Hsu LJ, Chang NS. (2015) UV irradiation/cold shock-mediated apoptosis is switched to bubbling cell death at low temperatures. Oncotarget.
  29. Chang JY, Lee MH, Lin SR, Yang LY, Sun HS, Sze CI, Hong Q, Lin YS, Chou YT, Hsu LJ, Jan MS, Gong CX, Chang NS. (2015) Trafficking protein particle complex 6A delta (TRAPPC6AΔ) is an extracellular plaque-forming protein in the brain. Oncotarget. 6(6):3578-89.
  30. Chang HT, Liu CC, Chen ST, Yap YV, Chang NS*, Sze CI. (2015) Strategies of oncogenic microbes to deal with WW domain-containing oxidoreductase. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 240(3):329-37.
  31. Lee MH, Su WP, Wang WJ, Lin SR, Lu CY, Chen YA, Chang JY, Huang SS, Chou PY, Ye SR, Chen SJ, He H, Liu TH, Chou YT, Hsu LJ, Lai FJ, Chen SJ, Lee HC, Kakhniashvili D, Goodman S, Chang NS. (2015) Zfra activates memory Hyal-2+ CD3- CD19- spleen cells to block cancer growth, stemness, and metastasis in vivo.Oncotarget .6(6):3737-51.
  32. Mo S. T., Chiang S. J., Lai T. Y., Cheng Y. L., Chung C. E., Kuo S. C., Reece K. M., Chen Y. C., Chang N. S. Wadzinski B. E., and Chiang C. W. (corresponding). (2014)Visualization of subunit interactions and ternary complexes of protein phosphatase 2A in mammalian cells. PloS One 9(12): e116074
  33. Tseng-Ting Kao, Chia-Yi Chu, Gang-Hui Lee, Tsun-Hsien Hsiao, Nai-Wei Cheng, Nan-Shan Chang, Bing-Hung Chen, Tzu-Fun Fu(2014 Aug)Folate deficiency-induced oxidative stress contributes to neuropathy in young and aged zebrafish - Implication in neural tube defects and Alzheimer's diseases.Neurobiol Dis 71:234-244(SCI)
  34. Hsin-Tzu Chang, Chan-Chuan Liu, Shur-Tzu Chen, Ye Vone Yap, Nan-Shang Chang, and Chun-I Sze(2014 Dec) WW domain-containing oxidoreductase in neuronal injury and neurological diseases.Oncotarget 5:11792-99(SCI)
  35. Chiang MF, Chen ST, Lo CP, Sze CI, Chang NS, Chen YJ.(2014) Expression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WOX1 in human nervous system tumors. Anal Cell Pathol (Amst).[Epub ahead of print].
  36. Tsai CC, Chen-Han Yang CH, Chang NS . (2014) Role of Exosomes in Intercellular Signaling, Maintenance of Normal Physiology, and their Therapeutic Potentials (commentary).Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology. 4:154.
  37. Chiang MF, Chen ST, Lo CP, Sze CI, Chang NS , Chen YJ. (2013) Expression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WOX1 in human nervous system tumors. Anal Cell Pathol (Amst). 36:133-47.
  38. Chiang MF, Chou PY, Wang WJ, Sze CI and Chang NS (2013) Tumor suppressor WWOX and p53 alterations and drug resistance in glioblastomas. Front Oncol. 3:43.
  39. Sze C, Su W, Chiang M, Chen Y and Chang NS (2013) Assessing current therapeutic approaches to decode potential resistance mechanisms in glioblastomas. Front Oncol. 3:59.
  40. Hong Q, Hsu LJ, Chou PY, Chou YT, Lu CY, Chen YA, Nan-Shan Chang NS (2013) Self-aggregating TIAF1 in lung cancer progression. Translational Respiratory Medicine. 1:5.
  41. Chang JY, Chiang MF, Lin SR, Lee MH, He H, Chou PY, Chen SJ, Chen YA, Yang LY, Lai FJ, Hsieh TH, Sheu HM, Sze CI,Chang NS (2012) TIAF1 self-aggregation in peritumor capsule formation, spontaneous activation of SMAD-responsive promoter in p53-deficient environment, and cell death. Cell Death &Disease. 3:e302.
  42. Chiang MF, Yeh ST, Liao HF, Chang N-S, Chen YJ (2012) Overexpression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WOX1 preferentially induces apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells harboring mutant p53. Biomedicine & Pharmacotheradoi:10.1016/j.biopha.2012.03.003
  43. Lee MH, Lin SR, Chang N-S (2012) Covalent modification of proteins by a small peptide Zfra. The FASEB Journal. 838.2.
  44. Chang JY, Lee MH, Lin SR, Yang LY, Sze CI, Sheu HM, Lai FJ, Chang N-S (2012) Self-aggregating mutant TRAPPC6A from partial exon 1 gene deletion activates caspases, binds TIAF1, and generates amyloid beta in hippocampus. The FASEB Journal. 752.2
  45. Wang CY, Wang SW, Huang WC, Kim KS, Chang NS Wang YH, Wu MH, Teng CH. (2012 Jul 23) Prc contributes to Escherichia coli evasion of classical complement-mediated serum killing. Infect Immun. 80:3399-409.
  46. Lin CY, Lien CH, Cho KC, Chang CY, Chang NS, Campagnola PJ, Dong CY, Chen SJ. (2012 Jun) Investigation of two-photon excited fluorescence increment via crosslinked bovine serum albumin. Opt Express. 18;20(13):13669-13676. doi: 10.1364/OE.20.013669.
  47. Wang HY, Juo LI, Lin YT, Hsiao M, Lin JT, Tsai CH, Tzeng YH, Chung YC, Chang NS, Yang CN, Lu PJ (2012-Jun) WW domain-containing oxidoreductase promotes neuronal differentiation via negative regulation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β. Cell Death differ. 19(6), 1049-1059.doi: 10.1038/cdd.2011.188.
  48. Chang JY, Chiang MF, Lin SR, Lee MH, Chou PY, Yang LY, Sze CI, Sheu HM, Lai FJ, Chang NS (2012-Apr) TIAF1 self-aggregation in peritumor capsule formation, spontaneous activation of SMAD-responsive promoter in p53- deficient environment, and cell deat. Cell Death & Disease. 3:e302.doi: 10.1038/cddis.
  49. Cheng LC, Chang CY, Lin CY, Cho KC, Yen WC, Chang NS, Xu C, Dong CY, Chen SJ (2012-Apr) Spatiotemporal focusing- based widefield multiphoton microscopy for fast optical sectioning. Opt Express. 9:20(8):8939-48. doi: 10.1364/OE.20.008939..
  50. Chang N-S (2011) Solanum incanum extract (SR-T100) induces human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma apoptosis through modulating tumor necrosis factor receptor signaling pathway. Journal of dermatological science. Vol. 63, No. 2, 83-92.
  51. Lin HP, Chang JY, Huang SS, Lin SR, Lee MH, Hsu LJ, Chang N-S (2011, May) Identification of an in vivo MEK/WOX1 complex as a master switch for apoptosis in T cell leukemia. Genes & Cancer. 2(5): 550–562.doi:10.1177/1947601911418498
  52. Lin HP, Chang JY, Huang  SS, Lin SR, Lee MH, Hsu LJ, Chang N-S (2011) Phorbol ester dissociates an in vivo MEK/WOX1 complex for switching on a novel type of apoptosis in T lymphocytes. Genes & Cancer. 2:550-562.
  53. Wu CH, Liang CH, Shiu LY, Chang LC, Lin TS, Lan CC, Tsai JC, Wong TW, Wei KJ, Lin TK, Chang N-S, Sheu HM (2011) Solanum incanum extract (SR-T100) induces human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma apoptosis through modulating tumor necrosis factor receptor signaling pathway. J. Deramtolog. Sci. 63, 83-92.
  54. Chang N-SChang JY, Sze CI, Hong Q, Hsu LJ, Kuo YM, Chiang MF, Lee MH, Lin SR, Gong CX (2010) T TGF-β induces TIAF1 self-aggregation via type II receptor-independent signaling that leads to generation of amyloid β plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Cell Death & Disease. 1(12):e110.
  55. Lee MH, Lin SR, Chang JY, Schultz L, Heath J, Hsu LJ, Kuo YM, Hong Q, Chiang MF, Gong CX, Sze CI, Chang NS. (2010 Dec) TGF-β induces TIAF1 self-aggregation via type II receptor-independent signaling that leads to generation of amyloid β plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Cell Death Dis. 23:1(12):e110.
  56. Dudekula S, Lee MH, Hsu LJ, Chen SJ, Chang NS. (2010 Dec) Zfra is a small wizard in the mitochondrial apoptosis. Aging (Albany NY). 2(12):1023-9.
  57. Su YD, Chiu KC, Chang NS, Wu HL, Chen SJ. (2010 Sep) Study of cell-biosubstrate contacts via surface plasmon polariton phase microscopy. Opt Express. 13:18(19):20125-35. doi: 10.1364/OE.18.020125.
  58. Chang JY, He RY, Lin HP, Hsu LJ, Lai FJ, Hong Q, Chen SJ, Chang NS. (2010 Jul) Signaling from membrane receptors to tumor suppressor WW domain-containing oxidoreductase. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 235(7):796-804.
  59. He RY, Su YD, Chiu KC, Chang N-S, Wu HL, Chen SJ (2010) Imaging live cell membranes via surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence and phase microscopy. Optics Express. 18:649-3659.
  60. He RY, Chang CH, KC, Chang N-S, Su YD, Chen SJ (2009) Surface plasmon-enhanced two-photon fluorescence microscopy for live cell membrane imaging. Optics Express. 17: 5987-5997.
  61. Hong Q, Sze CI, Lin SR, Lee MH, He RY, Schultz L, Chang JY, Chen SJ, Boackle RJ, Hsu LJ, Chang NS (2009) Complement C1q activates tumor suppressor WWOX to induce apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. PLoS ONE. 4:e5755.
  62. Lee MH, Lin SR, Chang N-S (2009) TGF-β1-induced TIAF1 self-association leads to apoptosis. In New Trends in Alzheimer & Parkinson Related Diseases: ADPD 2009, Editors A. Fisher & I. Hanin, Medimond International Proceedings. pp. 149-155.
  63. Li MY, Lai FJ, Hsu LJ, Lo CP, Cheng CL, Lin SR, Lee MH, Chang JY, Subhan D, Tsai MS, Sze CI, Pugazhenthi S, Chang NS*, Chen ST. (2009) Dramatic Co-Activation of WWOX/WOX1 with CREB and NF-kappaB in Delayed Loss of Small Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons upon Sciatic Nerve Transection in Rats. PLoS One 4, e7820.
  64. Hsu LJ, Schultz L, Hong Q, Van Moer K, Heath J, Li MY, Lai FJ, Lin SR, Lee MH, Lo CP, Lin YS, Chen ST, Chang NS. (2009) Transforming growth factor beta1 signaling via interaction with cell surface Hyal-2 and recruitment of WWOX/WOX1. J. Biol.Chem284:16049-16059.
  65. Hsu LJ, Hong Q, Schultz L, Kuo E, Lin SR, Lee MH, Lin YS, Chang N-S (2008) Zfra is an inhibitor of Bcl-2 expression and cytochrome c release from the mitochondria. Cell. Signal. 20:1303-1312.
  66. Lo CP, Hsu LJ, Li MY, Hsu SY, Chuang JI, Tsai MS, Lin SR, Chang N-S, Chen ST (2008) MPP+ -induced neuronal death in rats involves tyrosine 33 phosphorylation of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WOX1. Euro. J. Neurosci27:1634-1646.
  67. Hong Q, Hsu LJ, Schultz L, Pratt N, Mattison J, Chang N-S (2007) Zfra affects TNF-mediated cell death by interacting with death domain protein TRADD and negatively regulates the activation of NF-kappaB, JNK1, p53 and WOX1 during stress response. BMC Mol. Biol8:50 (cited by Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol 5,378, 2008; Nature Chem Biol 5,313, 2008)
  68. Chang N-S, Hsu LJ, Lai FJ, Sheu HM, Lin YS (2007) WW domain-containing oxidoreductase: tumor suppressor, promoter, or both? Trends in Mol. Med13:12-22. (Invited review)
  69. Hong Q, Kuo E, Schultz L, Boackle RJ, Chang N-S (2007) Conformationally altered hyaluronan restricts complement classical pathway activation by binding to C1q, C1r, C1s, C2, C5 and C9, and suppresses WOX1 expression in prostate DU145 cells. Int. J. Mol Med. 19:173-179.
  70. Chang N-S, Doherty J, Ensign A, Schultz L, Hong Q (2005) WOX1 is essential for TNF-, UV light-, staurosporine-, and p53-mediated cell death and its tyrosine 33 phosphorylated form binds and stabilizes serine 46-phosphorylated p53. J Biol Chem. 280:43100-43108.
  71. Lai FJ, Cheng CL, Chen ST, Wu CH, Hsu LJ, Lee JY, Chao SC, Sheen MC, Shen CL, Chang N-S, Sheu HM (2005) Downregulation of WWOX/FOR2/WOX1 protein expression in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is associated with blockade in mRNA translation. Clin Cancer Res. 11:5769-5777.
  72. Hsu LJ, Schultz L, Mattison J, Lin YS, Chang N-S (2005) Cloning and characterization of a small size peptide Zfra that regulates the cytotoxic function of tumor necrosis factor by interacting with JNK1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 327:415-423.
  73. Chang N-S, Chang NS, Schultz L, Hsu LJ, Lewis J, Su M, Sze CI (2005) 17beta-Estradiol upregulates and activates WOX1/WWOXv1 and WOX2/WWOXv2 in vitro: potential role in cancerous progression of breast and prostate to a premetastatic state in vivo. Oncogene, 24:714-723.
  74. Chen ST, Chuang JI, Cheng CL, Hsu LJ, Chang N-S (2005) Light-induced retinal damage involves tyrosine 33 phosphorylation, mitochondrial and nuclear translocation of WOX1 in vivo. Neuroscience. 130:397-407.
  75. Schultz L, Khera S, Sleve D, Heath J, Chang N-S (2004) TIAF1 and p53 functionally interact in mediating apoptosis and silencing of TIAF1 abolishes nuclear translocation of serine 15-phosphorylated p53. DNA & Cell Biol. 23:67-74.
  76. Chen ST, Chuang JI, Wang JP, Tsai MS, Li H, Chang N-S (2004) Expression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WOX1 in the developing murine nervous system. Neuroscience. 124:831-839.
  77. Sze C-I, Su M, Pugazhenthi S, Jambal P, Richards RI, Hsu LJ, Heath J, Schultz L, Chang N-S (2004) Downregulation of WOX1 induces Tau phosphorylation in vitro: A potential role in Alzheimer’s disease. J Biol Chem. 279:30498-30506.
  78. Chang N-S, Doherty J, Ensign A, Lewis J, Heath J, Schultz L, Chen S-T, Oppermamnn  (2003) Molecular mechanisms underlying WOX1 activation during apoptotic and stress responses. Biochem Pharmacol66:1347-1354.*
  79. van der Leij J, van den Berg A, Albrecht E, Blokzij T, Roozendaal R, Gouw A, de Jong KP, Stegeman CA, van Goor H, Chang N-S, and Poppema S (2003) High expression of tiaf-1 in chronic kidney and liver allograft rejection and in activated T-helper cells. Transplantation75:2076-2082.
  80. Chang N-S, Doherty J, and Ensign A (2003) c-Jun N-terminal Kinase 1 (JNK1) physically interacts with WW domain-containing oxidoreductase (WOX1) in vivo and inhibits WOX1-mediated apoptosis. J Biol Chem. 278:9195-202.
  81. Khera S and Chang N-S (2003) TIAF1 participates in the transforming growth factor b1-mediated growth regulation. Annals NY Acad Sci. 995:11-21.*
  82. Chang N-S (2002) A novel role of IkBa in the JNK and p53-regulated stress and apoptotic responses. Mod. AspImmunobiol2:210-214.*
  83. Chang N-S (2002) Transforming growth factor-b1 blocks the enhancement of tumor necrosis factor cytotoxicity by hyaluronidase Hyal-2 in L929 fibroblasts. BMC Cell Biology 3:8.
  84. Chang N-S (2002) The non-ankyrin C-terminus of IkBa physically interacts with p53 and dissociates in apoptotic stress, hypoxia, DNA damage and transforming growth factor-b1-mediated growth suppression. J Biol Chem277:10323-10331.
  85. Chang N-S (2002) A potential role of p53 and WOX1 in the mitochondrial apoptosis (Review). Int. J. Mol. Med9:19-24.
  86. Khera S, and Chang N-S (2001) Role of p53 tumor suppressor in mitochondrial apoptosis (review). Guthrie Journal. 70:98-103.
  87. Chang N-S (2001) Hyaluronidase activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase is necessary for protection of L929 fibrosarcoma cells from staurosporine-m,ediated cell death. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun283:278-286.
  88. Chang N-S, Pratt N, Heath J, Schultz L, Sleve D, Carey GB, and Zevotek N (2001) Hyaluronidase induction of a WW domain-containing oxidoreductase that enhances tumor necrosis factor cytotoxicity. J Biol Chem276:3361-3370. (discovery of WOX1/WWOX)
  89. Cao H, Pratt N, Mattison J, Zhao Y, and Chang N-S (2000) Characterization of an apoptosis inhibitory domain at the C-termini of FE65-like protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun276:843-850.
  90. Chang N-S, Schultz L, and Heath J (2000) Suppression of IkBa expression is necessary for c-Jun N-terminal kinase-mediated enhancement of Fas cytotoxicity. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 274:4-10.
  91. Chang N-S (2000) TGF-b-induced matrix proteins inhibit p42/44 MAPK and SAPK/JNK activation and suppress TNF-mediated IkBa degradation and NF-kB nuclear translocation in L929 fibroblasts. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 267:194-200.
  92. Chang N-S (1999) Mitochondria in programmed cell death: the role of apoptogenic proteins. Guthrie Journal 68:116-122.
  93. Chang N-S (1999) IkBa is essential for maintaining basal c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation and regulating JNK-mediated resistance to tumor necrosis factor cytotoxicity in L929 cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 263:107-112.
  94. Boackle RJ, Dutton SL, Lever JK, Su HR, and Chang N-S (1999) Human leukocyte elastase removes a portion of the negatively charged region of salivary acidic proline rich proteins. Arch. Oral Biol. 44:575-585.
  95. Chang N-SMattison J, Cao H, Pratt N, Zhao Y, and Lee C (1998) Cloning and characterization of a novel transforming growth factor-b1-induced TIAF1 protein that inhibits tumor necrosis factor cytotoxicity. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 253:743-749. (discovery of TIAF1)
  96. Chang N-S (1998) Transforming growth factor-b protection of cancer cells against tumor necrosis factor cytotoxicity is counteracted by hyaluronidase (Review). Int. J. Mol. Med2:653-659.*
  97. Nimnual A, Chang W, Chang N-SRoss AF, Gelman MS, and Prives JM (1998) Identification of phosphorylation sites on AChR d-subunit associated with dispersal of AChR clusters on the surface of muscle cells. Biochemistry. 37:14823-14832.
  98. Carey GB, and Chang N-S (1998) Cloning and characterization of a transforming growth factor beta1-induced anti-apoptotic adhesion protein TIF2. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun249:283-286.
  99. Chang N-SCarey G, Pratt N, Chu E, and Ou M (1998) p53 overexpression and downregulation of inter-a-inhibitor are associated with hyaluronidase enhancement of TNF cytotoxicity in L929 fibroblasts. Cancer Lett131:45-54.*
  100. Chang N-S (1997) Reversal of hyaluronidase enhancement of tumor necrosis factor-mediated cell death by transforming growth factor-b1. Am. J. Physiol. 273, C1987-C1994.
  101. Chang N-S, Joki N, Mattison J, Dinh T, and John S (1997) Characterization of serum adhesive proteins that block tumor necrosis factor-mediated cell death.  Cell Death Differentiation 4, 779-786.
  102. Grasso MJ, Chao W, Lee C, Cao H, Zhao Y, Joki N, Carey G, and Chang N-S (1997) Functional cloning of genes which confer cellular resistance to tumor necrosis factor-mediated cell death. Guthrie Journal 66, 20-24.
  103. Hall RE, Kestler DP, Agarwal S, Cobb JA, Goldstein KM, and Chang N-S (1996) cDNA and genomic cloning and expression of the P48 monocytic differentiation/ activation factor, a Mycoplasma fermentans product.  Biochem. J. 319, 919-927.
  104. Chang N-S (1996) Hyaluronidase induces murine L929 fibrosarcoma cells resistant to tumor necrosis factor and Fas cytotoxicity in the presence of actinomycin D. Cell Biochem. Biophys. 27, 109-132.
  105. Cao H, Mattison J, Zhao Y, Joki N, Grasso M, and Chang N-S (1996)  Regulation of tumor necrosis factor- and Fas-mediated apoptotic cell death by a novel cDNA, TR2LBiochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 227, 266-272.
  106. Beezhold DH, Sussman GL, Liss GM, and Chang N-S (1996) Latex allergy can induce clinical reactions to specific foods. Clin. Exp. Allergy 26, 416-422.
  107. Chang N-S (1995) Role of extracellular matrix proteins in conferring cancer cell resistance to tumor necrosis factor.  Guthrie Journal 65, 120-125.
  108. Chang N‑(1995) TGF-ß1 induction of novel extracellular proteins that trigger resistance to TNF cytotoxicity in murine L929 fibroblasts.  J. Biol. Chem. 270, 7765-7772.
  109. Chang N‑S (1995) Role of peptide hydrophilicity on determination of efficiency of microsequencing.  Int. J. Peptide & Protein Res. 45, 157-163.
  110. Beezhold DH, Sussman G, Kostyal DA, and Chang N-S (1994) Identification of a 46 kilodalton latex protein allergen in healthcare workers. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 98, 408-413. (discovery of latex allergen)
  111. Chang N‑S, Intrieri CM, Mattison J, and Armand G (1994) Synthetic polysulfated hyaluronic acid is a potent inhibitor for tumor necrosis factor production.  J. Leuko. Biol. 55, 778-784.
  112. Chang N-S, Leu RW, Anderson JK, and Mole JE (1994) Role of N-terminal domain of histidine-rich glycoprotein in modulation of macrophage Fcg receptor-mediated phagocytosis.  Immunology 81, 296-302.
  113. Chang N-S, and Mattison J (1993) Rapid separation of DNA from ethidium bromide and cesium chloride in ultracentrifuge gradients by a desalting column.  BioTechniques 14, 342-346.
  114. Chang N-S, Leu RW, Rummage JA, Anderson JK, and Mole JE (1992) Regulation of macrophage Fc receptor expression and phagocytosis by histidine-rich glycoprotein.  Immunology 77, 532-538.
  115. Chang N‑S, Leu RW, Rummage JA, Anderson JK, and Mole JE (1992) Regulation of complement functional efficiency by plasma histidine‑rich glycoprotein.  Blood 79, 2973-2980.
  116. Chang N‑S, Boackle RJ, and Leu RW (1991) Characterization of Cl inhibitor binding to neutrophils. Immunology 73, 95‑101.
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  118. Chang N‑S, and Boackle RJ (1986) Glycosaminoglycans (GAG) enhance complement hemolytic efficiency; theoretical considerations for GAG‑complement‑saliva interactions. Mol. Immunol. 23, 887‑893.
  119. Rummage JA, Chang N‑S, and Leu RW (1986) Turbidimetric microassay for macrophage mediated antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity. J.Immunol. Method86, 39‑44.
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  121. Chang N‑S, and Boackle RJ (1985) Hyaluronic acid‑complement interactions: II. Role of divalent cations and gelatin. Mol. Immunol. 22, 843‑848.
  122. Chang N‑S, Boackle RJ, and Armand G (1985) Hyaluronic acid‑complement inter­actions: I. Reversible heat induce anti‑complementary activity. Mol. Immunol. 22, 391‑397.

B. 研討會論文 Conference papers

a. 國際會議

  1. Sze CI, Kuo YM, Hsu LJ, Fu TF, Ming-Fu Chiang MF, Chang NS (2015) A cascade of protein aggregation in the mitochondria for causing neurodegeneration and apoptosis under WWOX deficiency (News and Commentary). Cell Death Disease, 6, e1881.
  2. Chang JY, Chang NS (2015) WWOX dysfunction induces sequential aggregation of TRAPPC6AΔ, TIAF1, tau, amyloid b and apoptosis. Cell Death Discovery, 1, 15003.
  3. Huang YH, Chang NS, Tseng SH (2015) Expression of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase WWOX in pterygium. Mol Vis. 21, 711-717.
  4. Chen SJ, Huang SS, Chang NS (2013) Role of WWOX and NF-κB in lung cancer progression. Translational Respiratory Medicine 1, 15.
  5. Lan YY, Wu SY, Lai HC, Chang NS, Chang FH, Tsai MH, Su IJ, Chang Y (2013) WW domain-containing oxidoreductase is involved in upregulation of matrix metalloproteinase 9 by Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 2A. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 436, 672-676.
  6. Li YC, Cheng LC, Chang CY, Lin CY, Chang NS, Campagnola PJ, Dong CY, Chen SJ (2013) High-throughput fabrication of gray-level biomicrostructures via temporal focusing excitation and laser pulse control. J. Biomed. Opt. 18, 75004.
  7. Tsai CW, Lai FJ, Sheu HM, Lin YS, Chang TH, Jan MS, Chen SM, Hsu PC, Huang TT, Huang TC, Sheen MC, Chen ST, Chang WC, Chang NS, Hsu LJ (2013) WWOX suppresses autophagy for inducing apoptosis in methotrexate-treated human squamous cell carcinoma. Cell Death Dis. 4:e792.
  8. Chiang MF, Chou PY, Wang WJ, Sze CI, Chang N-S (2013) Tumor suppressor WWOX and p53 alterations and drug resistance in glioblastomas. Front. Oncol. 3, 43.
  9. Sze CI, Chiang MF, Su WP, Chen Y, Chang N-S (2013) Assessing current therapeutic approaches to decode potential resistance mechanisms in glioblastomas. Front. Oncol. 3, 59.
  10. Hong Q, Hsu LJ, Chou PY, Chou YT, Lu CY, Chen YA, Chang NS (2013) Self-aggregating TIAF1 in lung cancer progression. Translational Respiratory Medicine, 1, 5.
  11. Chen YA, Chou PY, Hsu LJ Chang NS(2013) Tumor suppressor WWOX participates in cell/cell recognition and migration. FASEB J27, 765.1.
  12. Chang N-S, Su, WP (2013) Immunization against hyaluronidase Hyal-2 provides long-term cancer prevention. FASEB J27, 592.4.
  13. Chang N-S, Su, WP (2013) Physically modified hyaluronan in cancer prevention. FASEB J27, 592.5.
  14. Chen YA, Chou PY, Chang N-S (2012) Tumor suppressor WWOX playsa crucial role in cell/cell recognition and cell migration. 2012International Symposium on Infectious Disease and SignalTransduction, Tainan, Taiwan, November 11.
  15. Chang N-S, Chang JY, Lee MH, Lin SR (2012) Novel proteinaggregation in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. 2012International Symposium on Infectious Disease and SignalTransduction, Tainan, Taiwan, November 11.
  16. Chang N-S (2012) Zfra Induction of a Non-T Cell-Dependent ImmuneResponse in Blocking Cancer Growth. J. Leuko. Biol. Supplement S37,89
  17. Chang N-S (2012) Tumor Suppressor WWOX is a Molecular Sensorin Cell/Cell Recognition. Biomedical Research Symposium ofNational Health Research Institutes, Zhunan, Taiwan. August 13-14.
  18. Chang N-S (2012) A connection of lung cancer toneurodegeneration.Lung Cancer Alliance-ACCP Joint Conference.Shanghai, China. April 26-28.
  19. Chang N-S (2012) Role of Zfra in lung cancer prevention andtreatment.Lung Cancer Alliance-ACCP Joint Conference. Shanghai, China. April 26-28.
  20. Sie YD 16. Sie YD, Chen SJ, Chang N-S (2012) Utilizing Two-Photon Imagingand Tracking Algorithm to Study TGF-beta1-Regulated SH3GLB2 ProteinAssembly. EB2012, San Diego, April 21-25.
  21. Lai FJ, Liang CH, Cheng CL, Lin RK, Chang N-S, Lin CC (2012)A Copper Complex, ghn-12, as a sensitization of DNA to UVA offerspotential for a novel photochemotherapy. EB2012, San Diego, April21-25.
  22. Chang N-S, Chang JY (2012) Self-aggregating mutant TRAPPC6A frompartial exon 1 gene deletion activates caspases, binds TIAF1, andgenerates amyloid beta in hippocampus. EB2012, San Diego, April21-25.
  23. Chen SJ, Huang SS, Chang N-S (2012) WWOX/WOX1 is essential inUV irradiation/frostbite-induced membrane bubbling. EB2012, SanDiego, April 21-25.
  24. Su WP, Lee MH, Lin SR, Chang JY, Chang N-S (2012) Self-polymerizing Zfra peptides elicit immune response fortargeting cancer. EB2012, San Diego, April 21-25.
  25. Chang N-S (2012) TIAF1 self-aggregation causes spontaneousactivation of SMAD-responsive promoter in p53-deficientenvironment and cell death. EB2012, San Diego, April 21-25.
  26. Chou PY, Lin SR, Lee MH, Li-Jin Hsu LJ, Yee-Shin Lin YS, and Chang N-S (2012) Evidence for a role of p53, WWOX and TIAF1 as tumorsuppression axis. EB2012, San Diego, April 21-25.

b. 國內會議

C. References

  1. Chang N-S et al. (2001) J Biol Chem 276, 3361-3370
  2. Chang N-S, Doherty J and Ensign A (2002) J Biol Chem, 278, 9195-9202.
  3. Chang N-S et al. (2005) Oncogene 24, 714-723.
  4. Chang N-S et al. (2005) J Biol Chem, 280, 43100-43108.
  5. Chen ST et al. (2005) Neuroscience, 130, 397-407.
  6. Lai et al (2005) Clin Cancer Res, 11, 5769-5777.
  7. Sze CI et al. (2004) J Biol Chem, 279, 30498-30506.
  8. Chang et al. (2007) Trends Mol Med, 13, 12-22.

     D. Recent Research Funding

  1. (1/1-7/31//07) National Science Council, Taiwan: Transforming growth factor beta and tumor suppressor activation total cost NTD$945,000 for 6 months
  2. (8/1/07-7/31/10) National Science Council, Taiwan: Role of tumor suppressor WWOX/WOX1 in Alzheimer's disease total cost NTD$5,400,000 for 3 years
  3. (8/1/07-7/31/10) National Science Council, Taiwan: Tumor suppressor WWOX and p53 interactions total cost NTD$8,010,000 for 3 years
  4. (1/1/07-12/31/12) National Health Research Institute: Tumor suppressor WWOX in TGF-β signaling and cancer progression 
    total cost NTD$15,000,000 for 5 years
  5. (10/6/07-9/30/08) NCKU Landmark project: Tumor Suppressor WWOX/WOX1 Supports Prostate Cancer Development total cost NTD$1,000,000 for 1 year