Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM), College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Faculty Recruitment

Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM),

College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University

Faculty Recruitment


  1. Open position: Assistant Professorship

Applicant qualifications:

(1) Hold the Ph.D. degree from a university either within or outside of Taiwan

(2) Must have two or more years postdoctoral experience

(3) With expertise and/or related research experiences in studying the pathogenic/molecular mechanism in related to aging, viral related infectious diseases, vaccine development, cancer biology/oncology and/or    precision/translational medicine. The often use of multi-omic or inter-disciplinary approaches in the research studies will be preferred.

  1. We seek individuals with strong records of independent creative accomplishments, who will lead to productive interaction with colleagues within the institute and across the college of Medicine and the University
  2. Application materials and documents needed: (1) Detailed personal resume and curricular vitae (including all academic experiences); (2) A complete list of publications; (3) 3 reference letters (4) An outline on both research and teaching plans; (5) Others (e.g. other supporting documents to demonstrate potentials in research development, etc.)
  3. Deadline for application: April 30, 2024.
  4. Qualified applicants will be notified for interviews.
  5. Contact information: Ms. Rachel Wang, Tel.: +886-6-2353535 ext. 3666

Mailing address: Institute of Molecular Medicine/NCKU, 367 Shengli Road, 3rd Floor, North District (704), Tainan City, Taiwan, R.O.C.

      IMM Website