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Announcement of thesis progress report for second year graduate students in the coming 2022 spring semester

Announcement of thesis progress report for second year graduate students in the coming 2022 spring semester



Dear IMM faculties and students:


As a routine regulation, graduate students in their second year of study in the IMM are required to report their thesis progress twice by poster (first time) and oral presentation (second time). The event of oral presentation in the coming spring semester will be hosted at the Monto Ho Auditorium (何曼德講堂) of Uni-President Health Research Building (統一研究大樓), in April 16, 2022Dr. Chi-Wu Chiang and Dr. Chung-Liang Ho will be moderators. Since this oral presentation has its tradition and greatest merit to benefit IMM students in research communication and thesis preparation, all students, not limited to student speakers, are required to attend the activity unless permission of absence is granted in advance by their advisor.


Most importantly, please be aware that speakers are required to electronically send in a 1-page abstract to IMM office (imm3556@gmail.com) and the two moderators by e-mail before April 6, 2022 (12:00pm). In the e-mail, please also notify the moderators whether your advisor is available in the morning and/or afternoon sessions. To ensure that the presentation time slots and the program book can be timely arranged and made, respectively, delay in sending the e-mail/abstract is not accepted or may result in sever deduction of the speaker’s score.


The format of abstract is attached below for your reference. If you have further questions, please contact IMM secretary at 3666 or by email (em73620@email.ncku.edu.tw)



Style and format

Title (in English)

Times New Roman Font 14; Bold; Centered

Title (in Chinese)

新細明體Font 14; Bold; Centered

Name Advisors/Student

Font 14; bold


Font 12;bold

Abstract text

Font 12










Dr. Chi-Wu Chiang (ext 3637) and Dr. Chung-Liang Ho (ext 2638)

Email: chiangcw@mail.ncku.edu.tw  and clh9@mail.ncku.edu.tw   


PS: Note that first-year graduate students are requested to assist moderators for the activity. The class leader may ask Rachel beforehand for more details.

Announcement of thesis progress report for second year graduate students in the coming 2022 spring semester


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