Course planning framework of IMM
Courses Planning
Total credits: 30 credits
- Required Courses: 10 credits
[Seminar I – IV] 4 credits
[Advanced Medical Biology] 3 credits
[Advanced Cell Biology] 3 credits
- Elective Courses: 14 credits
- Thesis: 6 credits
- Required courses need to be taken within the semester. (Please remember to select the courses online.)
- Elective courses are categorized into 3 fields [Cancer Biology; Genetics and Developmental Biology; Infections Disease]. Students can select courses from these fields. (Courses that students take should be approved by their advisors.)
- Summer courses related to biotechnology can be waivered up to 3 credits. (Students registered after 2015 can be waivered up to 5 credits in special circumstances after seeking your advisor’s approval.
- Courses taken from the NCKU medical department or other related courses during undergraduates can be waivered up to 2 credits after approval from your advisor and the Curriculum Committee.
- Other waivered credits needs to be applied to the Curriculum Committee at the beginning of the semester.