


(★英語授課 English Course

高等分子生物學(Advanced Molecular Biology-104學年新生適用



(1) To assist the graduate students in understanding the history and Future challenges of molecular biology from discovery of DNA to genome sciences, and (2) To provide the students insights of modern molecular biology tools and computational approaches for experimental design and problem shooting.

高等細胞生物學 (Advanced Cell Biology) -104學年新生適用



Familiarize students with the fundamentals of cell biology and with the application of this knowledge in addressing both basic and clinical research questions. By the end of the course, students would know the basics of fundamental cell biology and how to apply what they learn in addressing cell biology-related questions arising in the research field of their interest, including cancer biology, immunology, neurobiology, microbial pathology, and developmental biology.

專題討論一、二、★三、★四 (Seminar I, II, III, IV)



Enrolled students are required to orally present a paper published within the last 12 months. The selected paper should not be directly related to the research field of the presenter, in order to broaden his/her knowledge.




The principal learning objective is for the students to recall familiarity with basic building blocks of bioinformatics through case report and example exercise, to enable them to subsequently tell a more detailed knowledge of those particular aspects of bioinformatics in basic scientific research that interest them by using online bioinformatics resources. 

研究導論 (Introduction to Research)



This course introduces graduate students to scientific integrity and research ethics, biosafety, time management, hypothesis testing, scientific reading and communication, abstract/poster/proposal writing, and an overview of various biomedical methodologies and technologies. Students will also be exposed to current biotechnology and pharmaceutical developments or job opportunities in Taiwan and Asia.

癌症分子病理學 (The Molecular pathology of Cancer)


惡性腫瘤連續佔台灣地區主要死亡原因之首,部份癌症更有年輕化的趨勢。而且國內癌症病患的平均存活率相較於美國則仍明顯偏低,顯示國人在癌症研究的努力上仍有很大的改善空間。本課程是以分子生物學的角度,去了解人類癌症的發生機轉, 以及國人重要癌症的各自特殊之致癌路徑。每個主題都邀請鑽研此一癌症的老師授課。在人類基因計劃公佈解讀出的基因序列資料之後,為人類疾病(尤其是癌症)找到真正的基因基礎,是未來醫學的主流之一。選修學生可以更深入了解現今腫瘤醫學的進步。也可在此一基礎上, 思考如何在後基因體時代,找尋創新的癌症診斷,及更有效治療之方式。

The course is designed to teach students to understand the mechanisms and the specific pathway of human cancer. The goal of this course is to provide the students an in-depth understanding of the development in tumor medicine and thinking how to find a novel diagnosis and more effective treatments in cancer.

癌症醫學 (Cancer Medicine)

任課老師: 張南山、蘇五洲 (選修2 學分, 開授學期: 碩一、二下)

惡性腫瘤連續佔台灣地區主要死亡原因之首, 而且部份癌症更有年輕化的趨勢, 提醒我們對癌症的了解,預防及治療, 仍然有許多有待突破的瓶頸。目前知道, 70%的癌症來自飲食與生活的失調。因此針對高危險群病患推廣預防癌症的措施, 以及推動癌症早期篩檢, 早期治療等都是根本解決的最重要方向。 因此, 本課程是介

紹現今治療癌症主要的基本原理, 應用飲食控制來預防癌症發生的理論, 或是各種早期診斷癌症研究等近況。 每個主題都邀請鑽研此一題目的老師授課。 選修學生可以更深入了解現今腫瘤醫學的進步。 也可在此一基礎上,找尋在後基因體時代可能的敏感早期癌症篩檢, 或是早期治療之方式。

Malignant neoplasm is the leading cause of death in Taiwan in recent 30 years and some of them have shown a trend toward younger age at diagnosis. Currently, 70% of human cancers can be attributed to environmental factors and life style. This course is designed to introduce basics of contemporary cancer therapy and provide more understandings of cancer prevention and tumor diagnosis. Experts of the relevant field will be invited for each subject. By the end of this course, students could have a better concept of advances in cancer medicine. The knowledge is of great help in the post-genomics era in search for early screening and effective treatment for human cancer.

血管新生學 (Angiogenesis)



An overview on the factors and cell types involved in new blood vessel formation and the relation of their deregulation with the development of human diseases. In addition to journal paper discussion on the latest reports on angiogenesis, three physicians will also share their bedside experience of treating vascular disease with angiogenic therapies.

細胞程序性死亡的分子機轉 (The molecular mechanisms of the programmed cell death)

任課老師:蔣輯武、張南山等(選修,2學分、開授學期:碩一、碩二上) -111學年新生適用


This course covers the topics of molecular mechanisms that regulate the programmed cell death (PCD), especially on apoptosis. Topics include an overview of PCD; introduction to apoptosis; molecular mechanisms regulating  apoptosis and other non-apoptotic PCD such as necroptosis, pyroptosis and ferroptosis. The primary goal of this course is to let students gain mechanistic insights regarding apoptosis and non-apoptotic PCD and learn recent findings in the PCD field.

老化研究特論 (Special Topics on Aging Research)

任課老師 : 蔣輯武、陳昌熙(選修2學分、開授學期:碩二下) -103學年新生適用


This course is designed to cover the topics on aging and aging-related research disciplines, such as regulation of cellular senescence, model systems for aging research, aging genetics, signal transduction in aging process, anti-aging research, mitochondrial biology, DNA repair and chromosome stability in aging, and cancer in aging. After completing this course, students can gain novel concepts of aging and a broad view of aging-related research.

遺傳學特論()() (Special Topics on Aging Research I, II)

任課老師:孫孝芳 (選修,各2 學分、開授學期:碩二上、下)

以每學期1-2主題, 藉由個案分析、論文閱讀、專題演講來進行主題科學的教學與討論。

The course is proposed for the students wishing to gain an appreciation of genetics and epigenetics through case report, article presentation and group discussion. In the end of the course, students will be able to catch up the latest scientific breakthroughs and discoveries in the field of genetics and epigenetics, and make a professional presentation and an effective communication.

基因體學與功能生物學()() (Genomics and Functional Biology I, II)

           任課老師 : 孫孝芳(選修,各1學分、開授學期:碩一二上下) -103學年新生適用


After the Human Genome Project (HGP), the Functional Genomics attempts to make use of the vast wealth of data produced by genomic and transcriptomic projects (such as genome sequencing projects and RNA-seq) to describe gene (and protein) functions and interactions. The objective of this course is to give students basic knowledge of functional genomic on the dynamic aspects such as gene transcription, translation, regulation of gene expression and protein–protein interactions. By the end of the semester, students will be able to explain and give examples of how functional genomic dissect pathogenesis mechanism of human disease in the level of molecular and gene.

遺傳與分子醫學 (Genomics and Molecular Medicine)

任課老師:孫孝芳(選修,2學分、開授學期:碩一、二上) -103學年新生適用


The objectives of the course lead students to understand genetic and molecular medicine through a systematic series of literature. After completing this class, students will be able to illustrate fundamental discoveries in both field of genetic and molecular medicine, and further experience exciting new developments in research and in practical applications.

傳染性疾病與微生物研究導論 (Fundamentals of Infectious Diseases and Microbial Research)



This course addresses the general background of infectious diseases and the research principles of pathogenic microorganisms.

微生物致病機轉 (Microbial Pathogenesis)



This course will cover microbial pathogenesis including viruses, bacteria and parasites. Host-microorganism interactions, virulence factors and mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis will be discussed from basic and clinical point of views. This course is designed for both Master and Ph. D. students who have taken basic microbiology courses.

神經免疫學( Neuroimmunology)-105學年新生適用

任課老師:朱俊憲、孫孝芳等 (選修,2學分 。開授學期:碩一、碩二下)


The objective of the course for students is to introduce neuroendocrine–immune (NEI) circuitry from neuron–glial interactions, brain immunoregulation to their pathophysiological functions in central nervous system (CNS). Students will be able to understand that how brain neurons and glia interact with peripheral endocrine and immune system, in order to maintain physiological homeostasis or progress brain diseases such as neurodegenerative disease.

分子醫學特論()(Special Topics in Molecular Medicine I, II)

任課老師王憲威、鄧景浩、孫孝芳、橋本昌征 (選修2學分、開授學期碩一、碩二上下)


To inspire and familiarize enrolled IMM students with updated research topics on infectious disease and molecular medicine, which include advanced cancer, viruses, and microbes related researches. IMM students enrolled in this class are encouraged to rotate in different topics for possible interdisciplinary training purpose.

基礎分子生物學General Molecular Biology-108學年新生適用



Molecular biology is an academic discipline to understand complicated biological phenomena at the molecular level. Through the progress of this molecular biology, we have created technologies such as gene therapy and gene recombination. In this lecture, we will learn the fundamentals and applications of molecular biology through the function of genes.

基礎細胞生物學General Cell Biology-108學年新生適用



Familiarize students with the fundamentals of cell biology and with the application of this knowledge in addressing both basic and clinical research questions. By the end of the course, students would know the basics of fundamental cell biology and how to apply what they learn in addressing cell biology-related questions arising in the research field of their interest, including immunology, neuroscience, microbial pathology, tissue regeneration and cancer biology.

分子醫學跨學科研究培訓(Interdisciplinary Laboratory Rotation for Molecular Medicine)

任課老師王憲威 (選修1學分、開授學期碩一上) -108學年新生適用


To inspire and familiarize enrolled foreign students with updated research topics on molecular medicine and/or infectious diseases, which include advanced oncology, genomics, virology, and/or microbiology related researches in the NCKU Medical College. Students enrolled in this class can rotate in different laboratories for possible interdisciplinary training by participating in relevant bench works and/or journal clubs in specified laboratories. However, unless specific needs for rotation in multiple labs (more than 3 labs) were requested for the student by the department chair or tentative advisor of the student, each student is allowed to select two instructors at most per semester for such interdisciplinary training (note that advisor can be included in the list). Students must consult their departmental chair, advisors, and/or available instructors before taking this course, and a list of favorable instructors for the rotation must hand in to the course coordinator before the 2nd class begins.

★現代生物技術(Modern Biotechnology-108學年新生適用



Medical tests and biotechnology are science and technology that constantly change almost everyday. In addition to the updating of academic knowledge, the applied instruments or equipment are continuously renovated. Biomedical related technologies and instrument training are essential courses for training students for the medical testing, medical research and biotechnology professions. Students will also be exposed to current biotechnology and pharmaceutical developments or job opportunities in Taiwan and Asia. English is used in the classroom and in written reports.

人工智慧對神經科學之應用(Introduction to artificial intelligence for neuroscience )

任課老師:朱俊憲徐褘祐等 (選修,3學分 。開授學期:碩博下) -112學年新生適用


This course provides an interdisciplinary perspective on the introduction and application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to neuroscience research. The knowledge and concept of AI, various AI processes/techniques, including deep learning frameworks, and basic neuroscience will be delivered to students. Through hands-on experience, they will master the art of constructing, training and evaluating deep neural network models step by step and their application in neuroimaging analysis. The curriculum is structured to equip students with the essential skills needed for neuroimaging analysis using AI.

論文 (Thesis)



Instruct students to publish research results.