
seminar 規範

IMM學生專題報告準則 V2




  • 你的專題報告務必是以報告日期一年內發表且IF>5的文章 (Published after Jan, 2023)
  • 同學所選的文章必須與你的研究領域無直接相關
  • 碩一同學可選與你的研究領域有關的文章但需要指導教授的同意


  • 同學繳交時間為2024/07/31碩一同學繳交時間為2024/08/15
  • 繳交時,需將你所選文章標題連結網emailIMM網站管理者以及你的講評老師。
  • 同學交一份紙本文章王憲威老師,碩一同學則交一份紙本文章橋本昌征老師
  • 文章第一頁上請寫明你的名字年級報告日期


  • 負責教師會出面邀請碩二同學講評老師(包括本所或外所專任及合聘老師,其專業及研究領域符合你所選文章的領域)
  • 碩一同學的指導教授為講評老師。 


  • 依所選的文章,同學必須以Word的格式自寫一頁英文摘要(可參考第二頁的摘要範例)
  • 專題報告的一星期前必須將英文摘要email給講評老師、負責老師及IMM網站管理。若遲交,你的學期分數將扣總平均10



  • 報告時間不得超過35分鐘
  • 準備30-40投影片簡報,首先以一張投影片簡要地介紹該文章通訊作者及其近5年的研究興趣,然後依文章的背景、結果(含方法與重要的材料) 、討論的順序報告。
  • 同學英文方式報告。
  • 碩一同學以中文(但鼓勵以英文)方式報告請以一張投影片將文章的重點做圖示摘要,並以英文做2-3分鐘的介紹。
  • 以英文報告的同學,在介紹通訊作者前,請以一張投影片做圖示摘要,並以中文做2-3分鐘的總結。
  • “Tips for Seminar Presentation”列於第六頁
  • 報告的評分原則列於第三頁(中文版)與第五頁(英文版)







Signaling Kinase AMPK Activates Stress-Promoted Transcription via Histone H2B Phosphorylation

D. Bungard, et al. Science 329:1201-1205, 2010

Presenter: Shang-Yu Yeh                        Date/Time: 2010/11/18, 16:10 -17:00

Commentator: Dr. Wu-Chou Su              Location: Room 601, Med College Building

Background: The adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an intracellular energy sensor that maintains the energy balance and becomes phosphorylated at Threonine172 in response to changes in cellular ATP levels. Activated AMPK acts as an inducer or suppressor of apoptosis, depending on energy stress and certain functional tumor suppressor genes. However, the details of regulated mechanism remain unclear.

Objective/Hypothesis: To investigate the underlying mechanisms by which cells respond to stresses to regulate p53-dependent genes and promote survival through the LKB1-AMPK pathway.

Results: In the study, mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were treated with a wide variety of stresses. When cells received stress signals, liver kinase B1 (LKB1, one of three upstream AMPK kinases), activated and bound to AMPK. Subsequently, the LKB-AMPK complex was recruited to nuclei and interacted with specific promoters in a p53-dependent fashion. The LKB1-AMPK complex then phosphorylated histone H2B at serine36 site, and regulated the expression of p53-dependent genes, such as p21. The p21 protein can stop or retard cell cycle till the cells can develop normally. A similar epigenetic mechanism was also observed in HCT116 and 293T cells. Therefore, it may become novel therapeutic targets for human diseases.

Conclusion: The authors suggest that modification of H2B by AMPK may be a general stress-response pathway to tune specific transcriptional responses to regulate cellular metabolism and promote cell survival.


1.  D. Grahame Hardie, AMP-activated/SNF1 protein kinases: conserved guardians of cellular energy. Nature Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 8:774-785, 2077.

2.  R.G. Jones et al., AMP-activated protein kinase induces a p53-dependent metabolic checkpoint. Mol Cell. 18: 283-93, 2005.








一、出勤和守時 (10%)


二、摘要和簡報 (60%)

       A. 摘要撰寫與內容 (20%)

           (1) 背景

           (2) 假設/目標

           (3) 研究結果,包括方法及途徑

           (4) 結論和意義

       B. 報告內容和組織 (40%)

           (1) 簡介

           (3) 解釋數據的能力

           (4) 整體組織能力及表達能力

       C. 報告 (40%)

           (1) 口語表現

           (2) 投影片內容製作能力

           (3) 表達原由,解說能力

(4) 報告時間的控制(不超過35分鐘 不宜短於25分鐘)

三、內容提問 (15%)


四、出席學校辦的演講 (15%)

        我們要求學生參加至少5個演講 (以簽到表為準)

五、額外獎勵 (5%)



Guidelines for IMM Student Seminar

Fall 2024


Article selection & submission

Article selection: You are encouraged to select a recent article with IF>5 (e.g., published after January 2023) that is NOT directly related to your research field. The first-year students are allowed to select the recent high impact publication related to his or her thesis research topics.

Submission time: You MUST submit the title and the URL connection address of the article of your choice to the IMM website manager (IMM: imm3556@gmail.com ). At the same time, each student needs to send a hard copy of your article to Professors Shainn-Wei Wang and Masayuki Hashimoto. The submission deadline for the first-year students is no later than August 15 ,2024 while that for the second-year students is no later than July 31 ,2024.

Abstract format and submission

Abstract format: Please use your own words to write ONLY one page of abstract according to the suggested format below.

Submission to whom:

  1. If you are a 1st year student, please email your abstract to Professor Masayuki Hashimoto  (hashmate@mail.ncku.edu.tw) / Professor Shainn-Wei Wang (swwang@mail.ncku.edu.tw ), your commentator, and IMM website manager at least one week prior to your seminar date.
  2. If you are a 2nd year student, please email your abstract to Professor Shainn-Wei Wang (swwang@mail.ncku.edu.tw ),, your commentator, and IMM website manager at least one week prior to your seminar date.
  3. Any late submission will result in 10 points deduction from your final grade.

PowerPoint slides

Preparation: You have to present your article no more than 35 minutes in PowerPoint format. Therefore, you only need to prepare 30-40 slides for your presentation considering one slide per minute.

Contents: Please prepare your slides in the order of Background, Hypothesis, Methods/Results, and Discussion/Conclusion. Before paper presentation, you should prepare one slide to briefly introduce the research interest of the corresponding author in the last 5 years.

Language of presentation: All student in the second year or higher must present your article in English.  To begin your English presentation, please give a 2~3 min summary of key points of the paper in Mandarin. For students in the first year, you are required to give a short summary of the key points of the paper in English.


Evaluation Criteria for IMM Seminar

Fall 2024

You will be evaluated by the following criteria.


  1. Your attendance and punctuality (10%)

You are expected to attend all given semesters on time. You must notify the course coordinators at least a week ahead of time for any leave of absence.  For a sick leave, you need to show the receipt for your medical expense or doctor diagnosis proof. Any unexcused absence or lack of punctuality will result in score reduction.

II. Your abstract and presentation (60%)

You will receive the evaluation of your presentation and an average score from all attending teachers. Your presentation will be evaluated based on the followings.

A) Abstract (20%) is based on the quality of:

1) Background

2) Hypothesis/Objective(s)

3) Study results including methods/approaches

4) Conclusions and significance

B) Contents and organization (40%) are based on the quality of:

1) Introduction

2) Overall understanding of the methodology

3) Your data interpretation

4) Overall organization

C) Presentation (40%) is based on the quality of:

1) Presenter’s speaking

2) Presenter’s use of visual aids

3) Presenter’s transition between concepts/subjects

4) Presenter’s control of time (not significantly under or over 35 min).

III. Your responsibility as a listener (15%)

You must formulate questions relevant to at least 5 topics of your interest per semester. Questions could be something that you do not understand, or that relates to something of interest to you.

IV. Your attendance of medical college guest speakers’ seminars (15%)

You MUST attend at least 5 seminars presented by NCKU faculty and guest speakers each semester (based on the sign-up sheet).

V. Bonus points (5%)

For the first-year students, you will receive a bonus up to 5 points in your presentation score when giving your seminar in English.


Tips for Seminar Presentation

(A key point is to understand your topic)

Present a research paper

  1. Begin with the title and authors of the paper, followed by your name and the commentator’s.
  2. A slide to briefly introduce the latest research interest of the corresponding author

3) Adequately present the background information assembled from the “Introduction and Discussion” sections of your paper, and from outside sources if necessary.

3) Clearly spell out the hypothesis or the specific question(s) addressed in the paper.

4) Integrate experimental design, approaches, methods, and data interpretation in a logical fashion.

5) End your presentation with a summary of major findings of the paper and potential implications, if any.

Goals of oral presentation

1) Capture the essence of the research project:

a) Why the study was undertaken (i.e., purpose of the study).

b) How it was undertaken (i.e., experimental design and methods).

c) What was learned (i.e., results and conclusion).

2) Communicate that essence clearly, convincingly, and concisely to your audience.

Rules for oral presentation

1) Assess and reorganize, rather than simply restate, the information in the paper.

2) Focus your talk on the methods and results.

3) Draw conclusions as you present each component of the paper and proceed logically from one part of the study to the next.

4) Be selective and focused: include only those details needed for audience to understand what comes later; delete details that are unrelated and unconnected.

5) Must use visual aids (e.g., slides, videos and pointers).

6) Be prepared for questions: thoroughly understand the paper, especially data interpretations.

Guides for giving an oral presentation

1) Must use a microphone and try to have eye contact during the presentation

2) Write out your talk and practice it until you can produce a smooth delivery.

3) Do not rush; allow time for listeners to digest the information and to take notes.

4) Lead your audience by pointing to the data and information as you speak.

5) Do not confuse your audience by using too many abbreviations (spell out the word if it is used fewer than three times).

6)   Try to sound enthusiastic and interested in what you are saying.

7) End your talk gracefully: first acknowledge any people who gave you advice or help, and then say something like “Thank you, I would be happy to answer any questions”.

7) Must limit your presentation time for 25-35 minutes.

8) For Q & A: Be sure to restate (or clarify if necessary) each question, and then address your answer to the ENTIRE audience, not just the questioner.